Time For Miracles Series Chapter 1 Fix You

Jun 23, 2010 17:46

Okay, so after finishing my What Makes a Family series revolving around Adam/Kris, I decided that I needed to write a multi-part story with Adam/Tommy.  I've been working hard on it.  So far I have 2 parts completely done with more on the way.  I was going to wait to post until I had some more done, but I am anxious to see what you guys think of this story.  Feedback is always welcome.

Title:  Fix You  (Time for Miracles Series Part 1)

Author:  pink_glitter_26 aka Faith Monroe

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  PG for one curse word

Disclaimer:  I do not own Adam or Tommy.  This story is purely fictional.

Warnings:  contains details (non-graphic) of a car accident

Summary:  An accident changes everything.
Author’s Notes:  I’ve been working on my Karisverse for a while now, so I decided to take a break from Adam/Kris fanfic.  This is going to be a multi-part Adam/Tommy story (my first one…yay!).   I hope that you enjoy.  As always, feedback is welcome.

“Lights will guide you home…And ignite your bones…And I will try to fix you.”

-Fix You by Coldplay

48 hours had passed since the accident.  Adam had spent most of those hours perched in an uncomfortable hospital chair at Tommy’s beside.  An endless stream of doctors and nurses came and went.  Some of them asked him how he was.  He didn’t have an answer.  Physically, he was fine…exhausted but fine.  He hadn’t been in the SUV after all.  Emotionally, he was raw.  Tommy, his best friend and band mate, was broken and he couldn’t fix him.  He just wanted him to wake up and be okay, but he’d been unconscious since the accident.  Adam knew that with each passing hour his chances of being okay were getting slimmer and slimmer.  He might have permanent brain damage.  He might never be the same Tommy again.

In the chair with his head resting on Tommy’s bed, careful of all the wires and tubes that were connected to his body, Adam dozed off.  His dreams were filled with visions of the accident.  He hadn’t been in the SUV with Tommy and the rest of the band.  He had been riding in a car behind them.  They were on their way to sound check, but Adam had a quick interview first, so they were in separate vehicles.

Adam hadn’t actually seen the accident.  His car had arrived just minutes after the collision.  He knew instantly that it was the band…Cam, Monte, LP, and Tommy.  Despite warnings to stay in the car, Adam was out in a flash and running toward the SUV.  By the time he got to the vehicle, everyone but Tommy was out.  Monte tried to stop him from going any closer, but he pushed passed him.

Tommy was trapped in the SUV.  He was sitting in the front passenger’s seat where most of the damage had occurred.  Someone had run a red light and smashed into Tommy’s side of the vehicle.  The driver had lost control and swerved into a pole which also hit on the passenger’s side.

Cam, the least injured of everyone, was standing with Tommy.  She was trying to get him to wake up.  Adam moved her out of the way and took her place.

“Tommy!”  Adam shouted as he placed his hands on Tommy’s chest.

There was no response from Tommy.  Adam registered the tears hotly streaming down his face.  He saw that Tommy was wearing his seat belt and thanked God because otherwise he probably would have been thrown from the vehicle.

When Adam moved his hands from Tommy’s chest, they were covered in blood.  He realized that he was bleeding from a fairly large wound on his upper chest near his shoulder.

“Shit!”  Adam cursed as he pulled his jacket off.  He bunched it up and applied pressure to the wound.  He didn’t even think about the fact that he was ruining a jacket that had cost a couple hundred dollars.  He just knew that he had to control the bleeding.

The next thing Adam knew, the paramedics were there.  They were taking over for him.  Someone else was leading him away, but he fought them.  Softly, he heard Monte tell him to calm down and let the professionals do their job.

When Adam woke from his dream, he looked up at Tommy.  His eyes were still closed.  A few tears fell from Adam’s eyes and landed on Tommy’s hand.  Adam didn’t know how he had any tears left at this point.  He gently squeezed Tommy’s hand and sat back.    He wiped his eyes and cleared his throat.

“Tommy, I don’t know if you can hear me, but you have to wake up.  I’m not asking.  I’m telling you.  I am your boss after all.  You have to do what I say.”  Adam spoke as his voice cracked.  “Come on, Tommy.  You have to wake up.  You know me I’m such a control freak.  I just want to fix you and I can’t and it’s killing me.”

There was still no response from Tommy.  Adam sighed and got up.  He needed some air.  He gripped Tommy’s hand again and bent down to drop a kiss on his forehead.

“Please just wake up.”  Adam pleaded one last time before heading out of the room.

adam/tommy, adam lambert, miracles, tommy ratliff

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