Time For Miracles Series Chapter 3 Sleepwalker

Jun 26, 2010 07:50

Here is the the 3rd installment of my Time for Miracles series.  I hope you like it.  I know that many of you have been waiting to read it.  Sorry that it wook me so long.  I had family visiting for the last 2 days and didn't have a lot of free time.  I hope to have more chapters of the story done over the weekend.

Title:  Sleepwalker (Time for Miracles Part 3)

Author:  pink_glitter_26

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy


Disclaimer:  I do not own Adam or Tommy.  This story is purely fictional.

Warnings: none

Summary:  Tommy’s trapped in a dream and trying desperately to wake up.

Author’s Notes:  Here is part 3 of the Bring Me to Life series.  I have no idea how many parts the story will be.    I strongly recommend that you listen to Adam Lambert’s Sleepwalker while you read this part of the story.  I hope you enjoy it.  As always, feedback is welcome.

“Let me out of this dream.”

--Sleepwalker by Adam Lambert

Tommy was standing at the end of a long, dark, empty hallway.  He didn’t know where he was, but in the distance he could hear music.  He started slowly walking toward the sounds.  As he wandered down the hallway, the music got a little louder.  He was able to recognize that it was Sleepwalker.

“Shit!”  Tommy cursed.

The band was onstage.  He should be onstage too, but he wasn’t.  They were going to kill him.  He picked up his pace, but the music was still faint.  He looked all around, but there were no doors or windows.  There was absolutely nothing.  Where the hell am I, he thought to himself.

After he had ambled down the hall for what felt like hours, Tommy finally saw something hanging on the wall ahead of him.  He stopped and stared at it.  It was fuzzy, so he stepped closer.  It was a picture of him and Adam from their vacation in Cabo when he had first started in the band.

Suddenly, the music was blaring in his ears.  He clutched his head and fell to his knees with a scream.  After a minute or two, it got quieter.  Tommy stood up and looked around.  The picture was gone.  He could still hear the music.  He could hear Adam’s voice and it sounded like Adam was right beside him.  Tommy turned all around but Adam was nowhere in sight.

Tommy began to panic.  He took off running.  Unexpectedly, he ran into a wall.  That wall hadn’t been there a moment ago, he told himself.  He ran in a different direction and there was another wall.  He was in a maze.  He ran into wall after wall, but found no doors or windows.  Adam’s voice still sounded like it was right beside him.  It was just Adam’s voice now.  The band was gone.

Tommy ran into another wall, but this time he felt a door.  Quickly, he flung the door open and tumbled out.  He was outside.  It was pouring rain, but he was staying dry.  He looked around, but he didn’t recognize anything.  He appeared to be in the middle of nowhere.  He felt lost and lonely, but Adam’s voice was still there in his head and it was comforting.

Tommy turned to go back inside.  He hoped that he could find another door that led somewhere familiar.  However, the door he had stumbled through was gone.  There was only more nothingness behind him.  Suddenly, he tasted tears that he hadn’t realized he was crying.

He sank to the ground and let the sobs overcome him.  He pulled his knees up to his chest and hung his head.

“Tommy Joe Ratliff?!”  A voice called loudly.

Tommy jerked his head up and looked around.  He was no longer in the middle of nowhere, all alone, with the rain pouring down.  He was back in the holding room from when he had first auditioned for Adam’s band.

“Is Tommy Joe Ratliff here?”  The voice inquired slightly annoyed.

“I’m Tommy.”  He choked out as he stood up.

“Good.  Are you ready to audition?”

“I…I…um…”  He stuttered.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his guitar case.  “I’m ready.”

Quickly, he was led into the room where Adam was sitting with Monte, LP, and Cam.  He recognized all of them, but no one seemed to know who he was.  He was instructed to play something, so he began to play the solo for Sleepwalker.  Surely, they would realize that they knew him…that he was already in the band.  They all smiled at him, but showed no signs of recognition.

“You’re good.”  Monte stated when he was done.

“Thank you.”  Tommy replied unsure of what was going on.

“I think you’re pretty.”  Adam declared bluntly.  He stood up from his chair and walked toward Tommy.

More quickly than should have been possible, Adam was standing right in front of him.  He had a look in his eyes that Tommy couldn’t quite describe…lustful, playful, and loving all at once.  He pulled Tommy close to him by his shirt.  He pressed his lips to Tommy’s mouth.  The kiss was bruising and intense.  Tommy closed his eyes and went with it.

When Tommy opened his eyes after the kiss, he was no longer in the audition room; he was on the stage at the AMAs.  The crowd was cheering and Adam was moving away from him.

Abruptly, everything began to spin.  He saw his life flashing before his eyes.  Most of the memories were of Adam in some way.  He tried to scream as he continued to spiral out of control, but no sound passed his lips.  Suddenly, he crashed to the ground and everything went black.

It had been nearly 72 hours since the accident.  Tommy was still unconscious, but he had remained in stable condition.  He was breathing on his own, which Adam took as a good sign.  He was still at Tommy’s side.  He was holding his hand and softly singing to him.  He had run out of things to actually say hours ago, so he had started singing.  His throat was getting sore, but he couldn’t stop.  He believed that Tommy could hear him and that it would make him fight to wake up.

“Because of you I’m a sleepwalker, walker, walker…Yeah I’m a sleepwalker, walker, walker…Let me out of this dream.”  Adam sang softly.

Just as Adam finished the song and was thinking of another one to sing, Adam felt a light squeeze on his hand that was holding Tommy’s.  His head immediately shot up and he looked intently at Tommy.  His eyes were fluttering.  It was the first sign of movement in days.

“Tommy!”  Adam exclaimed standing up and leaning over him.  “Wake up, glitterbaby.  Just open your eyes.”  He told Tommy softly.

With that Tommy’s eyes opened wide.  Adam smiled at him and started crying.  Tommy blinked a few times to clear his vision.

“Adam…Where…Where am I?”  Tommy croaked.  His throat was drier than it had ever been and he hurt everywhere.

“Don’t you remember?”  Adam whispered.  Tommy looked at him questioningly.  “You’re at the hospital.  There was an accident.”  Tommy looked confused and scared.  A few tears were sliding down his face.  “None of that matters right now.  You’re awake.  That’s all that is important.  I’m gonna go get a nurse or a doctor.”

Adam dropped a kiss on his forehead before rushing out of the room.  Tommy lay there and tried to move and remember what had happened.  His whole body hurt and trying to think about the accident gave him a headache.  He just wanted to go back to sleep and wake up when all the pain was gone.

adam/tommy, adam lambert, miracles, tommy ratliff

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