Hey all. Don't worry picspam off All Star goodness will be up soon. However thanks to
Out in Centerfield linking me to an
interview with Lugo, I have to at least give this one out. For everything Lugo is -- shitty fielder, piss poor hitter, etc. -- there is one thing you can say about him, he hearts Manny with the passion of a thousand suns. I mean HEARTS. Also, I reccommend you all check out Hacks with Haggs, where the interview is from. It is an excellent bloggage. Cases in point:
Did you ever, as a kid, watch Manny play when he was with the Indians?
JL: I never went to Yankee Stadium, but I went to go watch him play at Double-A and he was with the Indians and he hit a home run to straightaway centerfield. The crowd starting going crazy. I remember that, and I still have the bats at my house.
One day when I was in the minor leagues I went to go watch Manny play in spring training, and I saw him before the game. I went ‘Oh Manny…how are you’ and he was like ‘Oh…how are you.’ We didn’t really know each other well, but he told me he was going to give me some bats after the game. And I told all my friends. I was like ‘Oh [expletive], Manny is gonna give me some bats.’ And I was waiting outside after the game, and I thought that Manny forgot. I was like ‘man…’, but then Manny showed up a while later and he had the bats with him. I remember that and I still have the bats in my house. It felt so good, and to this day that was one of the best moments in my baseball career.
Getting bats from Manny -- highlight of Lugo's career? Interesting. This is the best excerpt though because it's just so adorable and it is so Manny.
What’s it been like to play with him…a guy you always looked up to?
JL: Everybody knows about Manny and how good a hitter he is. But nobody knows about how good a person Manny is. You’ve got to be there to understand. When I was struggling last year I didn’t want to talk to anybody. But I would check my voice messages and he would leave me messages like ‘Hey don’t worry about it. You’re going to be fine. Tomorrow is your day.’ That kept me up all the time. That kept me up. It was amazing. Every time I made a play, I would turn around and he would be like pointing at me. He stole my heart, man. People don’t see it on the outside, but he really cares about me. He cares about everyone.
Does that perception about him surprise you given how he is with you?
JL: It’s surprising because he don’t say much and he doesn’t express his feelings that much. You’ve got to be real close to him for him to express his feelings. But I never hear Manny say anything negative. If something negative happens, he’ll be like ‘don’t waste your energy on it.’
Awww he stole his heart....but honestly I wish Manny woudl do that to me, just randomly call me and be like "Hey Mel, keep it up! Don't worry about what those assholes at Subway say...keep making those sammiches *double point* Oh and can you make me a doublemeat turkey sub with buffalo sauce and lots of olives? That'd be awesome" .....yes these are things I think about. And yes he double points over the phone! Maybe even gives a phone five!
Okay that's all for now. I'm gonna grab some Panera then spam your asses with pictoral goodness.