There aren't enough pictures to spam right now. I got a good sum but not enough to make a really good spam. Well here's the gist, I am really fucking bored so I'm basically kind of going around and thinking of things to do. I have a few things that I am thinking about....
*I have a strange fascination with astrology. That being said -- I don't believe in horoscopes. I dunno I just don't. Astrology is just a glimpse into the personality but there's more than just the sign you were born under. There's like Moon Signs, Mars Signs, Venus Signs, Ascendants, etc. And they just seem to explain a lot about me and about some people I know. I dunno I'm just blabbering here.
*There was a damn good article on Lester from Edes, which for Lester's sake, I hope is the last thing about him as "Cancer Boy" because honestly it's not that it isn't a great fucking thing and all because it really is. It's just that he wants to be known as a pitcher who just so happened to be cancer, not "the pitcher who beat cancer" So anyways, I found this little snippet completely adorable which I've shared before, but shut up, it's still adorable:
The key for Lester, when he was feeling well enough, was to stay busy. Fishing, riding the bike, lifting a few weights. Late that fall, he was told that he would require just two more treatments. This time, he didn't rely on a text message. He called Francona, who was at baseball's winter meetings. Francona wept at the news.
"You get busy," Francona said yesterday, "then all of a sudden the emotion hits you, it overwhelms you. You can't help but get close."
I have this mental image of Tito being all weepy and stuff outside of the hotel there and Theo walks towards him wondering where he went and saw him all weepy and was like "What hte hell happened to you?" and Tito would tell him and then Theo would get all weepy and then this agent guy then sees them all weepy and is like. "Come on, guys, it's not gonna cost THAT much money to sign Julio Lugo" or whatever. These are the things I think about.
*I have a drawing of Pedroia hanging up a picture of Tito back in day that's very embarassing. However I'm not really 100% in love with it. So I'm gonna probably do some alterations to it. Mostly I just love the thought of Pedroia doing something like that and Tito being all "You little shit!" but then eventually laughing it off. But still, the thought of Pedroia doing this is what makes me laugh.
*Do you guys have any ideas for what I should draw up? Because I'm open to suggestions. That being said.
*Oh and supposedly
Jorge Posada believes Roger Clemens...let me just say what everybody else is wondering: Whatever you're smoking Posada, can I have some? That must be some really good shit. Also, I wonder if this will cause a rift between Posada and Pettitte. That would be interesting to see. But then again, on the other side of that sword, Wakefield seems to be smoking the same shit as Posada. But he seems like he's sounding more in denial. Posada...well I kinda think that Clemens has some dirt on him possibly