Before I get onto the happy news of Mike Lowell returning for 3 years, I must at least tell you this little weird tale. This morning, I'm well on my way to school and I'm kinda in one of those weird moods. So then I'm like thinking of teh song "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music(since it is Christmastime) and then I flip it on one of the trillion "All Christmas Music" stations that are on and then it comes on. Which I thought was funny. Then a while later, I was thinking of one of my all time favorite Christmas songs "Same Old Lang Syne" which I hadn't heard yet then next thing I knew it was on. And then for some reason my mind wandered onto the thought of this guy that had a crush on me(at least I think he did) in one of my classes and I hadn't seen him in a while mind you so I'm heading to the computer lab to print something out. Who was ahead of me in line but that guy! So I was stewing over this in my first class and then was like actnig all smartassed "Alright brain, since you are acting all psychic-y today, how about this....Lowell re-signs for 3 years adn somethign around 36-39 mil..."
And lo and behold So honestly, weirdest morning ever. I just thought I'd share that little tale of some uncanny intuitive/psychic/wtfever energy I've had. I also gotta give credito to
dont_go_joe for some fantastic forever scoopage when I had only heard mumblings about it. I'll come up with a more in depth analysis in a while, I'm just getting all gleeful right now.
PS: No I do not know the lottery numbers, but I'm willing to take a stab ifyou give me 1/4-1/2 of the winnings
jennyagain and
boston_princess -- How's this for a birthday present?