Yes I'm well aware these names are really stupido but whatever. You're here for hte pictures not my witty lines. :P So here I give you the latest. I was gonna wait until later on, but the Globe's bloggage said there was no official workout today so methinks this is all we're gonna get of ST pics.
Matsuzaka is ready to play
That damn media...poor Matsuzaka is gonna wanna kill them by the end of the season
Spiffy throwing motion picture
He's got on black boxerbriefs :P
Spiffy shoes
Beckett showing a little belly
Paps is all LOLLERS
Beckett looks skeered that another chick w/ a camera is gonna take pics of him sleeping
Okajima gets ready to play
A mass of strechy
Hang ten, duuuude
Theo, Tito, and the media
Tito still looks weird w/o a hat on
I kinda dig the sign right by him, someone should tell him what it out Matsuzaka!
Theo is all like weird looking here
Equipment manager's dog Bruiser behind the wheel
Yeah these two look really thrilled
They are men among men!
Theo telling an embarassing story about Theo, methinks
That's all for now. If another influx comes piling in, I may do up another picspam