pimpcoatbankai Nov 09, 2010 10:52
~crimson, ~above, prince charming! prince charming!, ~blood, ~00, what have we learnt this year?, ~kazahana, ~lea, ~spike, older but certainly not wiser, ~smoke, happy cocoon day boy wonder, ridicule is nothing to be scared of
pimpcoatbankai May 20, 2010 14:43
~koi, shounen retard syndrome, ~00, ~sage, i am not grovelling damnit, bunnies still suck, ~kagerou, i'm still not sorry, ~kazahana, toushi and kiba kick some ass, this is humiliating, someone's in the doghouse, toushi needs a clue
pimpcoatbankai Mar 03, 2010 21:35
not screaming but pissy, ~amurui, ~bell, ~00, ~kazahana, ~grift, virgin for life, weird things afoot, ~bastet, boobphobia does not pay
pimpcoatbankai Dec 31, 2009 01:19
~00, ~kagerou, ~kazahana, cats!, nottoushi rides again, ~spike, memory: get!, toushi needs a clue, ~bastet, boobphobia does not pay