Climate Changes - Poking Holes in the Atmos Fear

Nov 24, 2023 23:01

yes, the biggest threat to me occurred under harper
cutting of the arboreal forest for the alberta tar sands, essentially destroyed the "lung of the earth"
this threw the climate patterns into chaos, not necessarily carbon emission, but loss of climate control
alberta tar sands the largest polluting project on the planet

The Weather Channel : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Weather or Not

but what do we do here? air transportation for instance

or agriculture and forestry for plant growth

generation of electrical power (speaking of china and india) big off-gassing

from greenhouse to greenhouse gases, carbon taxes hardly pay to monitor, let alone reduce usage
it's a tax grab scheme by the mutherWEFers of al gore, uncle charles, greta and friends
sounds like much off-gassing to me... but like everything there is more to it
maybe we can grow back the redwood trees to 300 ft tall !!
there is more oxygen in our atmosphere today than in past centuries

here's an amazing breakdown of atmosphere over time from smithsonian
(use menu to navigate categories, for instance)

then i found this... summary comment
A small fraction (about 10*-3) of the products of photosynthesis escapes decay and provides a lasting contribution to atmospheric oxygen. This natural conversion of carbon dioxide from the Earth’s interior to oxygen is completely overwhelmed today, by a factor near 10*3, by the burning of fossil fuels, and the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is therefore increasing at a relatively rapid rate. Though detailed studies are lacking, the possibility exists that world climate may be affected. The risk of a serious perturbation appears small, but the problem is only poorly understood and the confidence level in such a prediction is low.

then there's this
thanks for the education!
i never looked at it this way, hearing all the fear mongering and green energy deals
mind you, much of science still involves speculation
i think one needs to check in with meteorologists in real time
but it's not just air currents and el nino
it all shifts and changes every day

.Temperature Rising/Global Cooling

mean temperature global map - but what does it all mean?

although meteorologists seem to be all over the map, so to speak, i did find this interesting

in addition to CO2 vs O2, here is another paradox at the heart of our changing climate

so, don't go blow a hole in the ozone!

dr. π (pi)

earthdance, weather channel

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