Argument for an impact bombardment event surrounding the Flood that began with the onset of the Flood and continued for some time, trailing off into the post-Flood period. via
Meteorite Craters Refute a Young Earth (and Young Solar System : .[Spoiler (click to open)].After The FallFrom a biblical perspective, there is not sufficient time for the layered structures to
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Pull a few weeds pull your back use a shovel lean on that stop for tea recover kneel on the grass pull a few weeds mow the lawn hear those birds sing! say hello to the neighbour's cat move that wheel barrow out of the trash water the flowers prune the plants divert some ants yard work ~psp
There is something deeply humanizing in listening to the rustle of a newly leaved tree, in watching a bumblebee romance a blossom, in kneeling onto the carpet of soil to make a hole for a sapling, gently moving a startled earthworm or two out of the way. - The Marginalian
The serpent in the garden of Eden Corrupted life by subtle deception Archonic infection, mal-intention Gaia Sophia, Sophia correction This is Gnosis of the gnostics Who were the lost mystics ~psp