Some Final Thoughts...

Nov 24, 2023 23:57

Gain of function, poison bio-weapons

WE HAVE PROOF that "covid" does not exist as you claim.
Can you prove to me that it does?
Please provide us with scientifically based proof
that the isolated so called covid pathogen exists as a virus.
Please explain why the “so called” spike in cases only began with
the rollout of so called mRNA spike protein "vaccines" in April of 2021.
Please explain the rationale behind the forced vaccination to an entire species
When it is proving to be harmful to those who blindly accept it.
Please identify the safety of these pharmaceuticals
in a triple blind test study, that there are no side effects,
neither long term, nor short term and that it does not
exacerbate comorbidities, nor promote death.
Please explain why people were misdiagnosed with false positive PCR tests
Claiming covid, isolated, poisoned with remdesivir and suffocated
In hospital death camps on ventilators by inducing pneumonia
And why the media insists on spreading that propaganda.
Prove to us how any adverse effects outweigh
any absence of benefits for this agent that does not prevent covid.
Please identify the ingredients in the injections
in a scientific and blind tested safety protocol.
Please explain why our public tax funds are being used
to support this bio-weapon manufacture and rollout against
all peoples states and nations in the world for the past 2 years.
Please explain why it is necessary to lockdown perfectly healthy populations
Please arrest all WHO mutherWEFers complicit in perpetrating this hoax
upon We The People, and identify the foreign actors responsible
for this egregious and hostile takeover of our national assets
in coercion with pharmaceuticals on an unwitting public
via the globalist industrial military complex
Anything less is subject to Nuremberg 2.0
Are you ready to stand trial?
Prison Planet

This is not a request, this is our demand.

Hospital Beds in British Columbia full NICU empty
Funerals increased, suddenly deceased...

dr. π (pi)

fuck its only friday!, health issues, nwo, kill bill, death cab for cutie, fuck globalism

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