Mar 21, 2008 10:18
So today is so different from yesterday. who would have known? i'm full of energy and plans today. the night was rich in dreams again. Check it, this time, in my dream,I was invited for a threesome, and the girl was so cool too. She was reactive, smart and somewhat deep. I dont know, maybe it only seems so in comparison. But sometimes, I meet such people. They behave inappropriately, but you can see that there could be more to them than there actually is at the moment. These people predispose and attact you, as if they would like to have your help and be your friend. At least that's what you think. But then it turns out they have really corrupt principles and beliefs and there's noone to really help them but themselves. It is a real pity. they can cause mucho mess in your own life too. i think what they need though is not what they're asking for, meaning friendship and obligations, friend-to-friend positioning, leadership, courtship, decision-making powers and preferences. i think what they truly need is plain simple love. to love them the way that they are is a big thing for them, because finding some acceptance is high on their agenda. it seems that once they realize that you're strong and cant be manipulated they stop trying to. but only they can help themselves for real, b/c only they choose what to believe in. See, somewhere along the road, they've lost their beliefs, got kicked in a a sore sport and something happened. and maybe its easier for them to change if they adopted the sore creeds from the start. but we all loose hope at times, or so it seems and only the last bit of someting rational, the last thing remaining with us when the levies drop is the very thing that so closely resembles a very simple phenomenon, our one rational conscious choice....