Aug 01, 2006 18:14
Moving...with a excessively humid 97 degree weather...with hardly any a unique form of torture. The past couple days have been unbelievably stressful & I can't wait until it's over. I've done most of the packing myself because Bruce has been working. He tried to get a day off but couldn't because it was short notice. Plus, he's got a bunch of crap going on at work that's putting him on edge...which is putting me on edge...which then makes Zoe cranky. She's been very good throughout this whole thing so far...with all the shuttling back & forth in the car & then being confined to her pack-n-play while we're at the new place...& having pretty much nothing left of her usual daily routine. I should be packing more right now...but I need a break. I hadn't even eaten anything substantial until about a half hour ago. There's really not a whole lot left to pack. I'm so tired. The big stuff goes tomorrow. I won't have any tv or internet until Fri. afternoon...which sucks...but I guess I'll have plenty to occupy my time.
I'm actually going to miss this crappy little apartment. A lot happened here.