alle Mädels, alle Jungs sagen no!

Nov 17, 2009 01:52

Anyone who knows me in real-life (and probably online) knows my love for Deutschrappers Fettes Brot. They're one of my favourite bands, and continue to awesome me out with their, well, awesomeness.

In 2002, they released a greatest hits CD that was packaged with a DVD, named Amnesie. The DVD features all of their videos, paired together with a short film that runs through the entirety of their videography, telling a Lynchian tale of a car crash, white rooms, a strange doctor and nurse, bunny suits and James Last.

I freakin' love the film - it's amazingly well shot and ties everything together in a nice, creepy bow. I was feeling the Brot Love this evening and popped it in - thus, here is a film_stills-esque picspam of Amnesie.

The story is, roughly, the boys have a car crash and lose their memories, ending up in a hospital with a doctor who seems to enjoy running them through tests to get their memories back. Each segment ties with the filmclip that follows, with the clips and extras being accessed by pressing on the 'still' screens (usually the end of the segment). It makes sense, I promise. And it all looks fucking awesome.

The DVD then loops around to the beginning, like the boys are stuck in a time loop forever. FOREVER

In other news, I love these dorks and want to kiss them for eternity.

fettes brot, picspam

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