let's build a spaceship.

Nov 13, 2009 23:36

Dearest Yuletide Writ0r,

It's Christmas! And that means Yuletide, which means you got the short straw and were stuck with my prompts. Bless you, my gift-giving friend.

You can hit up my Fic tag to see my pairings and preferred series of events - but like always, I'm willing and hoping to be surprised and to laugh and cry and dance and just have fun with whatever you write me.

All my prompts are based on a need to see more of a particular dynamic - have fun with them, twist and turn and make them work! I love all these characters so much, I honestly can't imagine being unhappy with anything.

Yeah, yeah - I'm being Pollyanna-ish. But, really? Bar the regular stuff (non-con, bad spelling, hardcore kinks 'n' shit), I'll be happy with whatever. Angst, fluffy, hopefulness, hopelessness, kangaroos named Dave, Nouvelle Vague covers of inappropriate songs, WHATEVER.

Have fun with them, and I can't wait to open my present. Thank you!!! <333

- Pieces :)

PS: extra points if you get a sandwich in there somewhere. ;)

open letters to people i don't know, yuletide

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