Feb 05, 2010 21:43
For the second time this week, my alarm clock failed to go off. Fortunately I woke up early enough to be merely late. It was particularly aggravating since I'd planned to come in early today to finish up a project before the weekend. And since everyone leaves relatively early on Friday, I couldn't even stay late unless I wished to be locked in and spend the weekend there.
Ah, Foo Foo Tei one night and 101 Noodle Express the next. Heaven! Or it would be if the traffic wasn't so bad. Half an hour for three miles is a bit too slow for my taste. But the food was just to my taste. Since Foo Foo Tei doesn't even open until 5:30, trying to avoid the traffic is futile.
One would think a design and manufacturing company would have valid and detailed engineering blueprints. I'd have finished my project if that were the case. There were four drawings I could have used to do the last bit of my project, three seem to be lost and the fourth isn't dimensioned. "See drawing 205," but the company hasn't used those designations for decades, and it probably refers to one of the missing ones anyway. So there I am, with one simple part to finish (okay, two, but the last one is partially complete) and I'm forced to go break out the calipers and hope I'm accurate enough that everything will fit together properly. It's hard to measure curves with calipers. Too bad the machinist had left already by the time I got to it. I'm almost certainly overdoing this, but I hate doing an incomplete job. Monday before noon, definitely.
I guess I sometimes give people the idea that I watch a lot of anime, but I don't really. I generally follow from three to five series per season, but that's only 2.5 hours per week. Follow Lost, House, and CSI and you're already watching more TV than I am. Folks who wait for series to finish before starting frequently watch more than I do since they can watch in batches. Granted I check out a bunch of series when the season starts, but I usually drop them pretty quickly.
On that front, Durarara!! has be pretty interesting. It's certainly my most anticipated series this season. Too bad all the new shows I'm watching come out on two consecutive days; it's like Thursday and Friday are anime nights and nothing else for five days straight. I'd prefer if they were spaced out more evenly. Selty had a good line this week, or maybe it was Shinra's response that kept me laughing for minutes.
I think I have President's Day off. I've been craving Korean BBQ. Anyone want to join me for Korean BBQ? Pretty please?
winter '10,