CHALLENGE 22 ILLUSTRATE A SONG Won't Stop To Surrender - Jack/Aliena Picspam Spoilers for the entire Jack/Aliena plotline in Pillars of the Earth, some mildly NSFW pictures
CHALLENGE 21 BRAIN TWIN Brain twins/triplets: arie_turner & vuitton Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Topic: Spike/Buffy 10 scenes that capture the essence. Spoilers for seasons 4-7 of BtVS
CHALLENGE 21 BRAIN TWIN Brain twins/triplets: arie_turner & downeys Fandom: Supernatural Topic: Favourite caps of season 5 Favourite caps of season 5. Spoilers for season 5
CHALLENGE 20 TROPES The Big Bad there might be spoilers if you haven't seen the entire series. VERY VERY picture heavy, and there are a few graphic images, ex: a man being flayed alive.