Movies and Italian Food

Aug 09, 2008 19:13

Warning:  A few spoilers for the new Mummy Movie
I can't really decide if I liked the Mummy: Rise of the Dragon Emperor. Graphically, it was done well, occasionally had great one liners, and the first Chinese Emperor searching for immortality was historically correct (though not like the movie portrayed.) And it was an action movie with explosions and guns and short kiss scenes, which makes it better to me. (The long graphic kiss scenes bore me...or make me laugh like in the episode of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang of Torchwood--the angle was so awkward.)
But it was predictable, annoyingly so and the O'Conners had yet another dead guy with women issues searching for immortality/power. Kinda gets lame. And I didn't like the actor for adult!Alex. Lin, Alex's romantic interest and person carrying the only thing that will kill the Big Bad, was very boring for a woman living over 2000 years.
The writers also chose bad moments for people to speak English...a Chinese beseeching for the dead to rise should not be in English nor should a mother-daughter chat whom to both Chinese would be the more natural language be in English. Of course, I have always been a sub over dub person. Except when the translators don't seem to understand the language...I know enough Japanese to know certain translations should have more swears.
The Rick and Evie interaction was fun as usual. I think they have to be one of my favorite movie couples, especially in the first two movies. And I really  liked the part with Jonathan at the end. Sounds like their setting up for a possible sequel, but it's more likely to be commenting on Jonathan's very amusing luck.

Afterwards, my mom, dad, brother, and I went to a local Italian place (Hilz, have you been to Bimbo's?) I had Gnochi Alforno, potato dumplings. I have decided potato dumplings is the second best way to eat potatoes, right under potato pancakes with applesauce.
Then we took home tiramisu. Oh boy. I love how I can legally eat Bimbo's tiramisu but I can't have a pina coloda, which would have a smaller amount of alcohol. Besides the "woah, that's strong moments," the tiramisu was delicious. My mom, who ate the other piece commented that she's going to find me passed out later. (Alcohol makes me really sleepy. We learned this from spiked holiday punch.) She may be right from the way my eyes keep drooping.

theater and movies, food

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