Writer's Block: In the Event of a Zombie Emergency

Jul 29, 2008 12:17

This is strikingly similar to a conversation I had in Japan.
Um, does knowing all of the exits in my house and how to block/barricade them count? And knowing all the things in the house that can be used as accelerant?
Probably not.
Wing it, basically. Anyway, America seems pretty well designed for someone to survive a zombie outbreak due to the love of lazyness, excess, and random oddities. (Air conditioning everywhere, security systems, elevators, the right to own firearms, packaged junk food, ect.) If i was going to Japan again soon, I would prepare. All the stairs would tire you out before the zombies and more often than not you have to touch the sliding glass door and then wait for for them to open. (Which is what lead to the You-don't-want-to-be-in-Japan-during-a-zombie-outbreak conversation started.) Oh, and Japan is a group of rather small island (compared to the connecting continents of N. and S. America). Trapped, eh?

writer's block

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