My new identity....

Oct 19, 2009 21:11 that of the happily snarky music student. I discovered this at "chapel" this morning, which wasn't so much chapel as...let us introduce these (55, I think?) Homecoming Queen candidates to you, tell you about Mass Meeting, and then let you go really early. (Well, that part made me happy.)

Freshman Mass Meeting is this Thursday. I'm not going. Reasons? It starts (starts!) at 11 pm, and goes until.....morning, I think. It's a Thursday. Yes, I know a lot of people have been having their professors cancel classes on Friday because of Homecoming, but my 8 am is Theory. Theory, which is taught by a music professor. The only time music classes are cancelled is in February, for TMEA, when apparently the whole music school shuts down for a week. So....yeah. Not going to Mass Meeting. The other thing that I am going to, but am leaving as soon as I can from, is the pep rally/carnival/random stuff?(I fell asleep during the description). I have to go, because the band has to play, but I'm leaving as soon as possible because of the (as mentioned in other blog posts) (mentioned here meaning complained about) fact that I have to get up at 5 the very next morning to be ready to go at 6 to be ready at 6:30 to do the parade at 8:30 to be ready for the game at 11:30 and yes this a run on sentence but I'm going to forge on ahead anyway, and so, where was I? oh yes, the game, which is at 11:30, which will be finished at the latest at 4:00 pm, which means I could very possibly, if I had a car or a sympathetic ride (I'd pay gas money!) make it to Huntsville in time for finals at the SHSU contest and then turn around and head back, making it back to Waco at about 1:00-2:00 am-ish, but this won't happen. *gasp*

That *points* was a freakishly long sentence.

So yeah. That's what I have to look forward to this weekend. Not very relaxing, if you ask me. And yes, I am aware that at some point in my future,  I might regret this cavalier attitude towards "making memories"  or whatever, but I personally think that me not dying of exhaustion two weeks from now is more important.

I still need to do my maths homework. We did a review in class today for Wednesday's test, and she finally explained the one thing in all the sections I didn't at least understand a little. I feel a little better about that test now.

Tomorrow I'm pretty sure we don't have music hour, because of the sophomores' advisement, so I'll be able to go practice during that time, and possibly even get my piano hour over with before then. I think tomorrow's going to look like
                8:25-9:15(ish? I've never found out the actual time that class ends): Musicianship
                9:30?-10:20?30?: Piano
                BREAK!! WHEE!!!
                12:30-1:45: Religion
                BREAK!!!! (nap? oh I dare to hope!)
                3:00 (ish. The lab doesn't always keep the strict hours)-4:00 (ish) Piano Lab
                4:15(ish)-5:45(ish) Practicepracticepractice.

Then I actually get some free time, to do my maths homework, study, and maybe even sleep. Though I doubt that will happen. I never sleep.I always try to, never get to. Also, I seem to be nocturnal. I can't get to actual sleep before 11:00 pm, if not midnight. I'm just...not sleepy. I know, I fail at living.

Well, I think that I'm going to go rot my brain with some Doctor Who. (But it's such a fun way to rot your brain!!!)


band, fail, failsauce that is my life, football, bugwb, sleep and sleep deprivation

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