
Sep 10, 2010 18:52

Savannah has a huge gay community -- it also has a huge Irish community, which makes me wonder how often the two overlap -- and every year since 2000 a Pride festival's been held downtown. I attended once about six years ago when a friend's roommate invited me to tag along with him. It was a really great experience with cool vendors (can you say "leather kilts"?), friendly people, the city's first notable drag king and a performance by RuPaul followed by a few hours of dancing at Club One. Ever since then I've wanted to go back, especially since I came out nearly a year ago, but none of my gay friends were interested and I'd feel awkward going alone.

So, you can imagine my surprise when my mom volunteers to go with me, to show her support. Not that she's intolerant, but I didn't think she'd ever completely adjust to the fact that I'm attracted to both men and women. I had suspicions when I was in middle school but she wrote them off as a phase. Thankfully, she was far more receptive when I brought it up again last October, though I wasn't sure if she'd accepted it. I guess there's no more room for doubt now that she wants to support me at Pride.

My mind is blown right now. I'm touched and amazed that she wants to come with me because we've never talked about my bisexuality. To be honest, I'm still coming to terms with what it means to be bisexual myself. Maybe this weekend at Pride is exactly what we need to open up communication, to get a new perspective on each other and ourselves.

I'm optimistic.

Let your freak flag fly!

savannah, oh yeah this is awesome, this entry is fucking great, ho-lee crap, family

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