
Sep 07, 2010 13:42

Home from Dragon*Con. Gotta say, I'm not unhappy the convention is now over.

Tommy explained to me that there would be in excess of thirty-thousand people, but I must not have believed him because there was literally a sea of bodies everywhere you went; and big crowds make me anxious, so standing shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers was not a good time.

This con was a mix of ups and downs. For instance, everything that could go wrong with costuming basically did. zombifiers and I were working up until the last minute to prep for two survival horror shoots that weekend (which never happened anyway), at one time I dropped my armband, my stockings ripped and the heels nearly paralyzed me while she lost poor Alex!plushie. Saturday was a bit better, but we were only recognized twice and I was randomly photographed while walking to the Hilton.

However, I took solace where all nerds who withdraw too much money from the bank do: the dealer's room. I got a couple of Wonder Woman things, buttons, a gorgeously illustrated poster for Clara Bow's It, bootlegs of Are You Afraid of the Dark? and The Maxx, and a zombie target for magicaltophat. I also came uncomfortably close to buying a replica of Kaneda's jacket from Akira.

I even had my little brush with celebrity when I met Tessa Stone, writer and artist of "Hanna is Not a Boy's Name". While signing my comic book, she said she seriously considered my name for a character, but she rarely writes/draws girls. Very cool all the same. :) I stood about three feet away from Tom Savini for a while, too. He's an effing legend in the horror world. I didn't speak to him, but it was enough of a thrill just to be in his presence.

Then there was a panel or two. Literally a panel or two. Everything else I lined up for filled to capacity before I could get into the room, but I at least got to sit in on an MST3k (♥!!!) panel and saw one of the best damn zombie movies I've ever seen in my life. Seriously, it's amazing, and here's how you can get it on DVD.

That was essentially my weekend. Bouncing between hotels, trawling the dealer's room, seeing some cool costumes and not taking any photos, falling asleep then waking up to the incessant drone of "con noise". I could definitely give Dragon*Con another shot next year, though.

animu/mango, movies, cons/events: dragon*con, cosplay/costumes, * zombifiers, webcomic: hanna is not a boy's name, * magicaltophat, celebs, ughhh, outside my comfort zone, teevee, ho-lee crap

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