Sep 30, 2008 14:46
Yesterday was great. Nice and relaxing. ^_^ I did some unpacking and relaxing around the house, all of which my feet thanked me for. Also, I got a call from the bank saying my debit card is here, so I'll go pick that up in a bit. Also, my grandpa came over and figured out that I actually can watch some television with that cable running through the room. Hyess! I squee!
Now if only I could figure out when my mail comes... :/ Before I left my other house, I ordered some comics and gave this address. They shipped Friday, I do believe, and I've been checking outside everday in hopes they've come. Nothing as of yet. I'm sure they're just not here yet, but I'm really hoping they won't come at a time where I'm not home, you know? Hmm...
The first of the month will be here soon, and if I do recall, that means bills shall be coming. This makes me nervous. Hope I can get them all done and everything. Thankfully I get paid Thursday.
Anyways, going to do a little bit of driving with my grandma in a bit. Stupid alarm clock didn't go off this morning, unfortunately, so I overslept.