Feb 20, 2021 18:04
So earlier in the week - I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday - a friend of mine who shall remain J*** texted me to remind me to check MY TURN which is the California site for signing up for the covid19 vaccine. She is much more on things than I am and we had been checking daily and this day was the winner - appointments were available in our area for the vaccine. Jumped on that and got my appointment for today for the first vaccine and for March 13 for my second dose. Since I work in education - I am eligible.
I was nervous today going in for the vaccine - our vaccine site is the Oakland Coliseum - which is a big sporting event and concert place by the Oakland Airport. I left early for my 10:00 am appointment and drove down the 880. I had mapped out the directions, step by step, since I was not exactly sure how to get into the place. I did not really need my directions. There was tons of signage and directionals to get in there - it was clearly marked. So even I - who get lost - did not get lost.
Everything was marked by cones and there were lots of National Guard troops telling us how to drive in. This is a drive through site. I drove up to the first person - showed them my appointment email and they let me in. I got to the second checkpoint and had to show my appointment email and my driver's license and then they waved me through - telling me to drive slowly and careful. Basically, I just followed the car in front of me. I drove around all these cones and finally under a tent where they administered the vaccine. They asked me some screening questions - did I feel sick, had I had a vaccine in the last two weeks or any vaccines - was I allergic to anything - stuff like that. Then I got the jab and he told me my arm would be sore for a few days and they had me drive to a waiting area where a FEMA person watched you to see if you had any reaction to the vaccine. I had to wait 15 minutes before I could drive off home. I did not have any reaction in that time nor have I since. My arm is sore so they were right about that. They told me to move it a lot to keep it from getting stiff so I am doing that. I did feel a bit tired later so I took a short nap in the afternoon.
The whole experience was somewhat surreal and it really brought it home to me that the pandemic was a major thing since we have a site that large to administer the vaccine here - and there are sites like it all over the country. It was like being in a pandemic movie or something. The scale was just so large and they are vaccinating a lot of people. Surreal it was but I am glad they are doing it. It is going to take this kind of effort all over the country and the world to beat back covid19.
I got an email this week from my legislative rep that we got a bunch of vaccine in the East Bay, CA and that there should be appointments available so that happened in conjunction with me getting my appointment. So they are getting the word out and things seem to be moving.
I know that vaccine access is not the same all over the world but I hope it is getting better. I feel that vaccine access should be equitable. I hope that my government is working on that and helping with that. I would like them to.
Anyway. That is my vaccine report - Pfizer Dose 1 done.
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