Extra day off this week - President's Day - relaxing at home with some coffee - lots of coffee and watching the Australian Open on my little TV. It is raining out here in Berkeley, CA so it is a morning to stay in the house in my PJ's and sip a cuppa. I am enjoying the time off and the tennis on the TV.
So the Slashy Valentine stories were released yesterday and I am really enjoying those. I read through a few yesterday and will look at more today. Some great stories. I am going to post the link to the story list here so you can check those out if you want to. They are all in the Tolkien fandom and some excellent stories. Loving these. Lots of talented authors.
Link to LJ:
https://slashy-santa.livejournal.com/91699.html Link to DW:
https://tolkien-slashy-swaps.dreamwidth.org/79937.html Hope you will enjoy some good stories - if you do - be sure to leave KUDOS and COMMENTS on the stories. Leave some love.
Hope all is well with you and have a great day!
Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth!
Please comment where you prefer.