Sep 22, 2005 08:31
Someone on my friends list asked this question:
"If you are in the path of Rita, why are you staying instead of evacuating?"
Here is my reply"
"Well, I am not in an area that is being evacuated, but according to this morning's reports, the hurricane may be blowing right past here. If it goes 200 miles inland before dissipating, as I read this morning, then I am right on the path, literally. And here we are perched on the side of one of the tallest hills in the county.
However, it would take a lot to get me to leave here. You know why?
I could take the hubby, the kids, the dog, the pictures, the computers and even the 7 crabs with me. But, not the approximatly 100 fish. No way to travel with them, and I can't just abandon them.
Now, if it seriously came down to a choice of my life or their lives, I would boogie my butt outta here. But, that's not the choice I'm presented with right now.
So, I stay. We'll see what happens. Hubby is determined to find a place to park his truck off our property so that if we have to escape last minute, we can. (Our property is hard to traverse on a good day, and impossible to get off of without 4 wheel drive in a storm. Our 4 wheel drive vehicle is in the shop atm.)
Besides, I might just get an award winning photo or two out of this deal."
So, now you know.