2 more things about Rita

Sep 22, 2005 09:32

Ok, first is a bit of a rant. This irks me a tad. I've been reading about the hurricane, duh. First, the folks in New Orleans asked for prayers to turn Rita away from them. Now I'm reading the same things from the cities along the Texas Gulf.

Now, to me, praying that the hurricane turns away from ME is the same as praying for the hurricane to hit someone else. I can't do that, I can't get behind that thought at all.

Me? I say bring it on, and hurry up about it so that it's done and over and we can do what needs to be done. If this storm kills me, you can put that on my tombstone.

Now, second.... and this is about how stupid I can be at times, which in no way makes my previous statement any the less, even if I am stupid.

So, we are in day two of planning for loss of water, power outages and so forth. Stocking up on dried beans and canned goods. Getting out the camping gear. Now, remember, we camp at least two weeks of the year at the beach without power, so we have some experience.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me how it is even remotely possible that I forgot (nay, not even forgot, but it never even occured to me!) to get tequila and margarita mix? Have limes, but limes alone make a lame margarita. And tequila can be consumed even without ice. That's it, I'm sending hubby to the liquor store.

Anyone for 'ritas while watching Rita? Come on in, pull up a chair, bring your own glass or be content with a jelly jar!


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