
Dec 23, 2005 07:40

Yesterday, I must've been especially bitter. I distinctly recall saying "Fuck Christmas." and no one else appreciating it. They're all caught up in the holiday cheer. So I offered to buy Whitney a roosack (after explaining what it was) and commented that "I was trying to be in the giving spirit!" or somethin' inane. Yesterday was a bad day to wear my absolute thinnest silk shirt (the see-through one) because she hit me.. a lot. *mutter*

I decided that for Christmas, instead of joining in the celebration with someone else's family, I'm going to buy a nice, overized bottle of tequila and drink half of it this weekend, and the other half next weekend. Mix it with juices, take shots right from the bottle.. oh yes. I will be drunk as all hell Sunday night.. and probably most of Monday. It'll help to pass the holiday niiice and quick.

I remember when I was younger, I couldn't sleep for being so anxious about Christmas morning. I have pictures of me, when I was a little tyke, with this huge grin on my face as Tim helped me put together shit (okay, I lie, he put it together himself). To say I was happy and in 'hog heaven' is putting it lightly. Up until a few years ago, I'd say I still loved Christmas, even if it's just for the gifts and the pretty lights. I'd drive around various streets and neighborhoods just searching for beautifully lit-up houses.. but not this year. I haven't paid attention to any lights this year, though. Not even the ones on this huge houses down here.. I just don't care about them. Or the presents. The past two years, I just haven't gotten excited about Christmas morning.. this year, I don't really have a good idea of what I'm getting aside from slacks and a shirt, and possibly a resized watch. And truthfully, I don't really care one way or the other about what I'm getting this year. There's no anxiety over what I'm getting. I'll go over there Christmas morning (or eve, maybe, since dad is working this weekend).. and open my presents.. and come home and drink till I pass out.

For all of you who like Christmas, though, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays or whatever the hell ya wanna call it in these crazy times.
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