May 25, 2005 09:19
another month down the drain already. where the hell is 2005 going?
may was mostly uneventful. there were a lot of substances consumed. a few shows attended. a lot of work and work related drama/crap/weirdness. i guess the most exciting thing to happen in..almost forever, is this weekend, and it hasn't even happened yet.
a group of us has decided to grace canada with our presence. five of us are heading up there tomorrow night after i get off work, four or five more may be joining us friday night. my very sick body isn't prepared for the weekend of drug abuse, madness and eXXXtreme amounts of alcohol i'm going to consume, but that's okay. i'll be too fucked up to notice.
in other, more disappointing news, people apparently find it necessary to spread my business behind my back. after the confrontation last night, i'm still unsure as to why. i don't like drama, and i don't like gossip (unless it involves celebrities) so this is pretty fucking irritating. apparently it wasn't known that the information was "confidential," and really, it's not, but if you've spent any time with the group of people we know, and have even half of a brain, you know how quickly the rumor mill picks up and goes. also, it's even more likely to explode all over the place in a huge fucking dramabomb when you misconstrue the information. and really, don't feed me some bullshit about it "coming up in conversation" when you are the one to bring it up. this is made all the more irritating because i at least have the common god damn decency to not gossip about people behind their backs, and i, mistakenly i guess, expect the same in return.
really, i'm not even mad about it. more confused and disappointed than anything. fortunately for everyone involved, i was far too inebriated last night to get out what i actually wanted to say. i can't properly talk shit when i'm stoned out of my god damn mind. but, now that it's over with, the only thing i feel i deserve is an apology. if i get that, i'll gladly drop it.
sometime in the very near future i'm going to be getting my 90-day review. it'll probably go pretty well. pretty much everyone at the dealership likes me, all bosses and managers included, so i don't think i have anything to worry about. i may even get the raise i've earned, which would be nice. other than that, work's pretty much been the same old shit. i detail cars and talk as much shit as humanly possible in nine hours. it works out well in the end.
as soon as i finish with this i need to get dressed, clean out my car, and head off to kialand. there i will get my oil changed, talk a lot of shit, and infect as many people as i can with this fucking horrendous cough that i contracted from the parts guy. should be an (un?)eventful day.