Writer's Block: Regime Change

Jan 20, 2009 16:20

  • Reversal of President Bush's signing statements which gave unprecedented power to the Executive Branch
  • Limitation on adding signing statements to laws prior to passing them
  • Revocation of The Patriot Act
  • A clear statement that the US will not torture
  • Provide a trial for every individual who has been held without one, so that the law may determine whether or not they may continue to be held captive
  • End all aid and special contracting deals with Israel
  • Legalization of hemp and decriminalization of marajuana
  • Remove all incentives for farmers to grow corn for ethanol (to encourage the much more efficient fuel alternative of ethanol from hemp)
  • Close military bases around the world that are no longer active combat sites (Korea, Vietnam, Germany, etc)
  • Use US citizens and soldiers to train Iraqis to protect and run their own government, then bring them all home within a year
  • Use additional manpower and US Special Forces to effectively surround and capture any terrorists at large who have made plausible, actionable threats against the US, or who are guilty of planning and running previous attacks, then bring those soldiers home (especially the ones in Afghanistan)
  • Increase quality of veteran care
  • Reduce active military, while continuing to maintain a large reserve force
  • Continue to focus on creating officers (commissioned and non-commissioned) and new military technology
  • Allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military without any discrimination
  • Clear the law books of any government rules that dictate what marriage is and isn't
  • Crack down on USDA special interest groups, especially the dairy farmers and Monsanto, clear out those tainted by those bribes and re-evaluate all standing regulations and publicly disseminated information
  • Eliminate the Federal Income Tax
  • Research and develop materials to create the longest lasting roads and highways in the world, then develop a way to mass produce the materials at a discount price and begin to repave the roads in America
  • Leverage debts that are owed and debts that we owe to eliminate as much of the federal debt as possible
  • Cut back significantly on special interest niceties to completely eliminate the debt
  • Improve safety and streamline the process to start-up nuclear plants
  • Reassess any racial or class prejudices that may exist in the current law regarding drug offenders and adjust accordingly to remove those prejudices
  • Strip the law books of regulations that make judgments on no-victim crimes and harsher sentencing for thought crimes
... That's all I can think of for now.

government, united states, barack obama, writer's block

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