Title: Break My Heart Author: Aznmen Rating: R (for violence and sex) Pairing: YehWook (one-sided), HanHae Genre: Angst || 2323 Summary: ‘Ryeowook did this to be by your side! Why Ryeowook?’ “He was easy…” ( Read more... )
Title: Just Tell Me The Word Author: Aznmen Pairing: YooMin, JaeMin, YooSu, YooMinSu Rating: R Genre: Angst || 2408 Summary: Request by figmagination, prompt: "And you say, 'Stay.'' , extras: happy ending xD I think it's bittersweet xP
Title: Crystal Clear Author: Aznmen Pairing: HanHae Genre: Cracky Angst || 1579 Summary: Donghae goes to the lake to search for aliens... and to confess his love~
Title: Bittersweet Love Author: Aznmen Pairing: KyuMin Rating: PG-13 Length: One-Shot Genre: Angst || 1224 Summary: Kravian's top two killers need to find a way to decide who's number one. One shot. The last man standing is number one.
As much as I'd love to write on PatP, I don't want to right now... I want to do drabbles and random pairings and much love! ^^ Please follow this format (I love you chunxo! i had to do a request page after you did this) Fandom: Pairing: Genre: Rating: G to R Prompt: Length: Alternate Universe/Normal: Extras: