the push backwards that makes you fall

Feb 09, 2010 17:04

today was not a good day. i woke up at eighty forty-three. missed english class so i was frustrated all morning and then i took my math test which i failed (42%) and headed for the math lab where I proceeded to miss almost every quiz on quiz four because I missed negative signs or typed periods where commas should have been or typed internal notation in the wrong direction. In other words I did the math right but I typed shit wrong so it got marked wrong and so i tried retaking the quiz and got a 60% and so now I have to take it again.

now i'm back in my dorm room which is eventually going to become too hot and earlier i spilled water all over my desk near the outlets and my adapter and shit but luckily nothing got wet but the desk.  which reminds me, i will probably need YET ANOTHER adapter because this one, like the others, keeps on randomly stopping charging.

let's see, what else.
i have no more deodorant or food and my money vanished. there was a ten-dollar bill in my coat pocket yesterday. there is a one-dollar bill in my pocket today. i spent no money during that interval and i would love to know where the fuck my money went because i don't have anymore to be spending.

speaking of that my camera which i ordered about nine days ago which shipped on the second and is supposed to arrive between 2-9 days or something like that has not arrived and it is currently seven days later. that means if it hasn't arrived by thursday i'm going to have a fucking problem.
at least my p.o box is actually open again.

i smell weird, my dorm room smells weird, no amount of brushing my teeth and listerine-ing is helping the taste in my mouth and i have no prospects of getting something to eat tonight.

i wish it were tomorrow now because i'm not sure how to make this day better.

frustration, february, tuesday, school year

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