crooked legs

Oct 18, 2008 14:04

Whats the last song you danced to?: I don't dance.
Play any sports?: Nope.
Scariest thrill ride you've been on?:  Riding in the car with my sister's father.
Who did you last hang out with?: My mom and Rima.
Do you own a bike, rollerblades, or skates?: I wish I had Rollerblades.
Favorite thing to do in the summer?: Wish it weren't summer.
Something you hate to do?: Be shut down.
How much is your car payment?: I don't own a car.
Can you whistle?: Yes, but only by sucking air across the roof of my mouth.
Whats your school's mascot?:  A Bengal tiger named Mike III.
Where is your favorite place on earth?: Depends on what time of day it is.
Ever been to a concert?: Exactly eleven months ago today.
Ever had a stalker?: Please. Who would pay that much attention to me? XD
Last thing you looked at?: A text from Dominik.
What about in the winter?:  Write, stay outside, burn candles in my bedroom and play music and write sex scenes and sensual poetry.
Last time you were in a tanning bed?: Uh. I'm black? Insta-tan, courtesy of genetics.
What did you do today?: Put the dishes in the dishwasher, slept a lot and kept forgetting to text Dominik back, got woken up by Dominik calling for the third time (I TOLD him it'd take a while to wake me up).
What year did you discover MySpace?: Darren showed it to me when I was sixteen and thought he was the world for all of about a year. Stupid Englishmen.
Who knows you best?: Ravon, Zack and Maynard.
How many kids do you have or want to have?: 0.
Last thing you put in your hair?: Mousse and cold water, just like every morning.
Do you like to swim?: I love it.
Are you keeping a secret from someone close?: Probably.
Last thing you spilled?: India ink.
Ever had a pogo stick?: No.
What credit cards do you have?:  I have a purple Visa debit card?
Who was the last person that messaged you?: Dominik JUST texted me as I read this question.
What do you do when you are upset?: Listen to music.
Have you ever led someone on?: Of course I have. What do I look like?
Do you own any Barbie's?: Fuck no.
Who do you admire?: Ravon, Zack and Maynard.
Are you bringing sexy back?: Sexy never left.
Do you believe in global warming?: Uh. It's been proven to exist? I don't think about it, because the environment isn't high on my priority list, but it's there.
What would be the best gift ever?: Either the bass I want or a camera!
What was/is your favorite subject in school?:  Geography. It's the only class that doesn't either confuse me or piss me off.
What is your current mood?: Sleepy and annoyed.
Are you photogenic?: Depends on the angle.
Which celebrity would you like to swap lives with?: Why would I switch lives with people who probably would kill for the life I have already?
What is your favorite farm animal?:  Um.....probably chickens. They make funny noises.
What's the last thing you drank?: Pineapple soda.
How many best friends do you have?: I dunno.
Do you prefer to talk on the phone or text?: Text.
Who do you plan on voting for?: I'd rather not vote period but I guess Obama.
Do you sing in the shower?: Yeeeeeeessssss..
What are your thoughts on animal testing?: I don't care.
Do you believe in aliens?: Sort of.
Do you wish on shooting stars?: Never seen one.
Where were you born?: A few streets away from where I live right now..
What are your favorite outdoor activities?:Laying in the grass watching the sky/writing poetry/listening to music. And riding bikes and rollerblading and rolling in the grass.
Favorite smell?: cinnamon-y things, and Scotch tape, and clean laundry...lots of things, really.
What noise do you currently hear?: The intro to a song on the sampler I took from the store. (It was free.)

survey, saturday, october, school year, stuff

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