My parents went away for the week. So everyone knows what that means. My sister turned the house into a party house.
Last night the drunk bitch wouldn't leave me alone. She wouldn't get out of my room and proceeded to yell at me for 20 min about how I'm disrespectful and have no consideration for other people and a whole bunch of other stuff. I got tired of this and went to get my phone to call the parents.
She shoved me. I swung at her and next I knew we were on the floor and I was holding her ass down so she couldn't swing at me... at one point I was practically choking her and she continued to scream at me so I started punching in her in the head repeatedly.
Eventually Jason and Dawn came in and broke us up. Took their sweet time doing it too. There's a hole in my wall where my head went into it. We went into my dvd case and about 75% of my dvd collection ended up everywhere so I have to go through those to make sure they're okay.
And... my face is all scratched up.
Not the best pic. on the other side I have another scratch and one on my forehead but the ones you see are the worst ones.
I still went to work today even with that and everyone was super nice and helped me out. A girl I work with, Becca even helped me with a little make up to try and cover it up.
I've been looking at apartments since I got home. I can not live with my sister anymore. But there's nothing in my area or near work I can afford on my own even with making more money at Jared. So... right now everything sucks. SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!