Jan 20, 2012 21:45
I've been meaning to write a post all week and it just hasn't happened. What has happened, though, is that J has been sleeping till morning most nights, so I have more energy and am putting it to good use. To start with, I got caught up on laundry (though of course the hampers are now full again. I also cleared the shelves in my bedroom and moved the rest of the books from the back room (downstairs) onto it, then redistributed the games on the shelves downstairs. Still need to get the rest of the room clean, but it looks so much better now. Dealt with much of the stuff on the bookcase in my room - mostly five years' worth of school stuff that now lives in one of those huge plastic storage tubs, plus a stack of papers to be filed and other things that need re-homing. Old bank statements have been shredded and other documents have been recycled. So all good.
We've been working on getting the kitchen clean again, easier now as Merlin had been shedding loads during his final week with us. I gave the floor a good scrub (after repairing the vacuum cleaner) and D has cleared away various parts and tools now that the cupboard door has been attached to the front of the new washing machine.
I've also been busy with my budding business! I actually earned money this week! I provided two gluten-free chocolate cakes to the shop and JC agreed to pay me half of what he would get for the slices. I also bought a duplicate book for invoices and need to buy some sort of accounting book so I can keep proper records. Today I printed some copies of my new and improved price list and took to the local deli and another little place farther down the road. The posh deli in the next neighborhood seem to be taking their sweet time, but I don't mine because if I'm going to be supplying three or four different places with cakes, I'd rather go into it gradually. JC basically told me not to come to work on Wednesdays without some sort of gluten-free cake :-)
D is in the process of making plans for the summer which involve two conferences and being away for almost a month. B and M are going with him. What on earth am I going to do with myself and J for that long? I'm starting to find toddlerhood a bit wearying, probably because J seems to have hit the terrible twos in a big way. He manages well enough with a 15 word (or so) vocabulary, but gets very angry when he can't get his way and lunges to bite us! It reminds me of how B used to have hissy fits at that age, except that J is more easily calmed down and can actually be reasoned with. But it is tiring. Still, he's hilarious. Today he said "beep beep" and begged like a puppy for tortilla chips.
M's eighth birthday party is finally happening tomorrow! It's hard to believe his birthday was a month ago. We meant to have his party before we left for the US, but two of the four couldn't make it so we decided to wait until January. I've baked his cake (chocolate, of course!) and will decorate it tomorrow. He's basically having four friends (and B, or course) over for pizza (made by D) and a dvd, followed by cake. And one of his friends will be staying for a sleepover.
B had a bit of a meltdown yesterday regarding homework. He gets so overwrought sometimes. But he also came up with the idea for a powerpoint for one part of his homework ("Describe your role model"). Our school is split into six teams and points are earned for good work and behavior, and he was flushed with pride as he announced that his presentation had earned him fifty points! Still having some trouble with food and certain behaviors in general. Like covering his ears and screaming or crying when someone sings a song he doesn't like. Sigh. It's a total control thing, but I'm not sure how it's going to change.
Ok, it's been a long day.
life in general,