a mix of happy and not-happy

Feb 01, 2010 17:20

Good: Seaners is coming home tomorrow! Seaners is (largely) back to his old self! Chris went to visit yesterday (I was feeling awful, I still feel pretty rotten) and he wanted to play and take him on a tour of the unit and so on until the pain meds wore off.

Not good: Seaners’ teeth are STILL NOT FIXED because the OR is only open to dental procedures Mondays and Tuesdays and I assume they are all booked tomorrow. (STUPID STUPID. If they are only going to be open two days, why two consecutive days? Why at the beginning of the week? Fucking ludicrous.) They cannot get him in until next week. They are sending him home with a ton of Kidlets’ Tylenol with Codeine, and we are getting clearance for the school and daycare to give him some so he’s covered all day through, and inpatient psych has agreed that the best thing is to take him back there the day before his surgery because he has to go without food and they can provide him valium on demand and other nice things, while we can’t. I believe he’s on the surgery schedule for next week. If he is not, I am going to bust heads, because some of his other treatments (like the sleep doc) are waiting on this.

We are going to pester our insurance company about the dental anesthesia benefit only being covered in hospitals. He NEEDS it, and it really limits our options and it caused SO MANY problems this time. If it had been covered at this other place we could have it dealt with AGES ago. Also pestering hospital ombudsman about dental scheduling. (at least they could change the dental scheduling to two non-consecutive days. That seems less dumb (to me, anyway, idk - if you don’t show up at the top of the week you’re screwed until the next week, you know?)

But YAY for Sean coming home and we are interviewing some respite people tonight, too.

(and thank you, magie_05, for the cool package. *love*)

autism, the howling

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