Advice for grads.

May 15, 2010 18:47

From Yale's dean of undergraduate admissions.

Worth reading.  Worth thinking about, I think.  The comments are, as comments are wont to be, mostly full of crap, but I liked this piece.  Especially this bit:

How much more did you contribute to classes and organizations and jobs than you took from them?

Or, as Tim Rice so eloquently phrased it in The Lion King soundtrack, which I memorized at the age of - oh, six? :

Some say, "Eat, or be eaten."
Some say, "Live, and let live."
But all are agreed -
as they join the stampede -
You should never take more than you give.

I'm not graduating yet, but I know I'll be thinking about all of your questions, Mr. Brenzel, as I go into my last year of formal schooling.

georgetown forever

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