My attempt to categorize the fic I've written...

Dec 30, 2019 00:05

The post below the post at the top of the page categorizes all the stuff I've written.

Desperate Housewives (Bree/Rex)

(PG-13 or so; takes place during 1x05, while the kids are camping...not at all my first fic, but my first one in quite some time, and the first on lj)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV

(PG, Bree drives Rex to the hospital after his second heart attack)

Bad to Perfect
(there are two versions of this; I prefer this one--it's edited. anyway, it's Bree's musings after Valentine's Day)

This one doesn't even have a name...
(it's rated PG-13 and is an AU involving Rex having his first heart attack at home)

The Sexual Surrogate
(R-ish, a what-if surrounding 1x06, and I totally agree with Juno's critique...but this was a celebratory fic that I wrote right after I got the good news about getting into college!)

A Surprise
(Hard R and the closest I have ever gotten to smut. Read the rating note. Rex really doesn't want Bree going out to look at bonsais with George)

You Must Meet My Wife
(Back to PG-13. That's not the original title, but it's a Stephen Sondheim song, and Marc Cherry names all DH episodes after Stephen Sondheim songs. It fits, too, so that's the official new title. juno_chan wrote the companion piece, All I Ask of You, and I just love love these two...they remind me of a time when I lived and breathed DH and Bree/Rex, and we used to have so much fun making stuff up every night)

House (House/Cuddy, House/Stacy, Chase/Cameron, gen--this stuff's more well-rounded, although there will most likely never be slash)

Hostile Work Environment
(PG-13, probably one of my favorites among my own work, on lj and elsewhere...the answer to a prompt about Cuddy getting a sexual harrassment lawsuit. Gently H/Cuddy and H/Stacy)
****That link is broken now that the community is closed. I'm re-posting to my journal.****
Hostile Work Environment

(PG-13, one of House's old fellows comes back for a visit. People commented that it doesn't feel really isn't, exactly. I plan to go back to this when I have time. House/Cuddy, sort of) ****The link is broken now that the community is closed. I'm not reposting this one since I'm kind of in the process of rewriting it****

His Kingdom Will Have No End
(PG, Chase goes to Mass (title, of course, is from the Nicene Creed). I explore my interest in Catholicism and my love of my absolute favorite Housefellow--and of the best actor of the "kids." Chase/Cameron, but mostly gen)

June 16, 2007
(G, and I posted the link to this before, but here it is again, just to make things complete. I really enjoyed making this one! It's letters of recommendation for Chase's new job at the end of S3, written by House, Cuddy, Foreman, and Cameron on June 16, 2007--hence the title--and it's actually just scans of letters I handwrote, so I got to have a lot of fun creating letterheads and handwriting for each character. Mentions of canon Chase/Cameron, but really very gen)

Broke my own non-slash prediction.
Untitled, With Canada
(PG-13, House/Foreman wedding with Wilson/Cuddy. For queenzulu)

Mrs. Dr. James Wilson
(PG, but only for mentions of his extramarital affairs--Wilson/Wives, Wilson/Amber)

She Strips in Her Sleep
(R, Cuddy dreams about stripping for House)

(G, House heckles Cuddy about Princeton's slip in ranking)

all my fiction

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