I had a great time at Stuff A Truck today! I was amazed at the amount of money we raised and food donations we collected. Some of the highlights:
1. A nursery school class that each had a bag full of cans walking up to the truck like ducklings.
2. A guy who drove in from Suitland after he saw the Fox 5 spot (if you were watching at 11:00 a.m., you probably saw my boobs on TV) to donate $50.
3. A woman who dropped off 30 cases (yes, cases) of cookies
I am sore and tired, but it was well worth it. I can't wait to hear what the grand total is. We had nine cages by 4:00 at Brentwood alone.
I took the metro right to CP tonight and hit Byblos with
emmmitt, where I inhaled a gyro. We then met up with
schicksal714, Jenn, and Charles to see I Am Legend. Man, I love Will Smith, so I might be biased, but I really enjoyed it. It's so hard to pull off a great performance without other people to work off of, and I thought he did a great job in a solitary role. I got teary a lot. It is v. different from the book, but still tense and atmospheric and riveting. Go see it!
Laundry is in. Cleaning needs to commence.