The Truck is Stuffed

Dec 14, 2007 22:14

I had a great time at Stuff A Truck today! I was amazed at the amount of money we raised and food donations we collected. Some of the highlights:

1. A nursery school class that each had a bag full of cans walking up to the truck like ducklings.
2. A guy who drove in from Suitland after he saw the Fox 5 spot (if you were watching at 11:00 a.m., you probably saw my boobs on TV) to donate $50.
3. A woman who dropped off 30 cases (yes, cases) of cookies

I am sore and tired, but it was well worth it. I can't wait to hear what the grand total is. We had nine cages by 4:00 at Brentwood alone.

I took the metro right to CP tonight and hit Byblos with emmmitt, where I inhaled a gyro. We then met up with page5grrl, schicksal714, Jenn, and Charles to see I Am Legend. Man, I love Will Smith, so I might be biased, but I really enjoyed it. It's so hard to pull off a great performance without other people to work off of, and I thought he did a great job in a solitary role. I got teary a lot. It is v. different from the book, but still tense and atmospheric and riveting. Go see it!

Laundry is in. Cleaning needs to commence.

2007 movies, volunteering, dc, food bank, cleveland park, movie reviews

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