Quick notes

Dec 14, 2007 09:45

1. I, did, in fact, finish hat #100 last night. I started and finished it at the D25 meeting. It is now in residence with it's 99 brethren at the DCJCC. They still have not been wrapped yet. Perhaps next week--I hope I get to be on the team that wraps them. I am most likely wrapping on Wednesday and possibly on Monday. Let me know if you want to join me (or have warm winter items, toiletries, cosmetic travel bags, toys, etc. you'd like to donate).

2. One would think that I would have checked earlier than 10 minutes before I have to leave for Stuff-A-Truck that the Giant I'm volunteering at today is where I thought it was (THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;) ). I had a moment of panic when WMATA said it was only accessible by rail AND bus, but I looked at a map and I know I can walk to it from RI Ave. (It's the one across from the Home Depot, as I thought. I can just cut across the parking lot.) Phew.

3. Tonight, I am seeing Charles & Jenn in the first time in AGES and I am so excited. We are going to Yanni's for dinner (assuming I get out of Stuff-A-Truck in a timely manner) and then to see I Am Legend at The Uptown. And then I will come home and do laundry and clean so that tomorrow, I can get up early, finish up my holiday shopping, and get out to Gaithersburg before the storm of the century (did I mention there's track work and I need to add 20 minutes to my (already 40 minute) ride, per metro? I'm bringing knitting.). I REALLY hope this weather forecast is over exaggerated, because Bear & Kat's party is tomorrow. It can't be worse than what we drove to Philly in for the Seattle game, but still.

Okay, I need to hop on the metro so I can be a do-gooder all day. But, hey, I'm not at work, am I? HA!

dec 25 service day, volunteering, dc, hat-a-palooza, food bank, cleveland park

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