A Mini Slash!Fest...
Title: Shower Gifts
Pairing/Characters: Don/Billy(/Melinda)
Rating: M
Challenge: Don/Billy
Summary: Coop has a question when he gets home.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: SLASH!!!!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
“Where’s Minda?”
If Coop suddenly opening the shower door startled Don, he didn’t show it. Washing his hair, he smirked, “Hello, nice to see you too, babe.”
“Hi,” Coop leaned to kiss Don, soaking much of himself in the process. “Where’s Minda?”
“She, Megan, their mom and Alania are having a long awaited girl’s night,” Don watched, amused as Coop stripped out of his wet clothes. He slipped into the shower as well. Don shook his head, “Join me, why don’t cha?”
Coop squeezed a dollop of body wash into his hand and slowly began soaping Don’s body, “Thought I already had. When’s she coming home?”
Don rinsed his hair and grabbed the shampoo again to begin lathering Coop’s hair, “What, am I suddenly not good enough?”
“You know better than that,” Coop pressed himself fully against Don. “I just wondered when our girl will be home.”
“Well, according to the note, she’s staying at Megan and Larry’s tonight,” Don moaned as he pressed himself into Coop.
Coop’s hand cupped Don’s ass, “A note?”
“Mmm, a note taped to,” Don rotated against Coop slightly, “the biggest tube of lube you’ve ever seen.”
“God, I love that girl,” Coop kissed Don.
Title: Jealousy
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Colby
Rating: T
Challenge: Vacation
Summary: Charlie and Colby talk the night before he leaves for training at Quantico.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: Had to explain why Colby doesn’t seem to like Larry.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
“Its not like I’m going on vacation, Whiz Kid,” Colby threw a few more clothes in his duffle.
Charlie nodded as he played with the straps on the bag, “I know, I just wish I was going with you.”
“To training,” Colby laughed. “Charlie, I’m going to Quantico for two weeks. You’d be as bored as I would’ve been if I went with that thing for Fleinhardt with you.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Roll your eyes when you say Larry’s name. I swear it’s like your jealous of him or something. Like you’re after Megan,” Charlie threw down the strap and got off the bed.
Colby sighed and moved closer to him, “I am jealous, Charlie, but not because of Megan. I’m jealous that you’ve so much in common with him. That your brother and father are so damn close to him. Sometimes I think I came into your life a little too late.”
“No, I think you came into my life at the perfect time,” Charlie kissed him tenderly.
When the kiss finally ended, Colby twisted one of Charlie’s curls around his finger, “When I get back, how ‘bout we go on a real vacation?”
“I’d like that.”
Title: Dinner with the Boys
Pairing/Characters: Charlie, Alan, Don (Charlie/Colby, Don/Coop/Melinda)
Rating: T+
Challenge: The Eppes Family
Summary: Don goes to Charlie’s for dinner
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: Have you noticed I have a threesome thing? No, I don’t mean between them ^^^ YUCK! I just mean, we're talking about threesomes here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
“What you boys up to,” Don asked as he entered the kitchen.
Alan smiled at his oldest, “Just in time for dinner.”
“Wonder how he managed that,” Charlie handed his brother a beer. “Can we tempt you with Dad’s lasagna?”
Don hopped up on the counter, “Might be, Chuck. Is it just us Eppes Men tonight?”
“Yup,” Alan nodded. “I know where your brother’s other half is at training, but where’s your other…. Would it be thirds?”
Charlie laughed, as his brother answered, “They are on a date.”
Alan and Charlie stared at him.
“What? God, guys, you know how hard it is to keep a relationship between two people. Throw a third person in the mix and it gets worst. So, we try to make sure we spend some one-on-one time as well as time for the three of us.”
Alan placed a hand on Don’s shoulder, “Donnie, you have to know that I don’t understand your relationship… I’m trying, but it is at least a little difficult for me…. But, I want you to know that I’m very proud of you and love you.”
Don blushed and lowered his head, lightly brushing his father’s hand with his cheek.
Title: The Big Black Thing
Pairing/Characters: Don, Alan, Charlie, Alania
Rating: K
Challenge: Guns
Summary: Alania notices Don’s gun for the first time.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: For dance_the_code, cause she used a line in here first. Imitation (not stealing) is the sweetest form of flattery, sweets!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
Grandpa Alan was being very un-grandpa-like at the moment. Uncle Donnie had just come in the house and Alania want her favorite, or at least one of favorite, uncle. But when Alania ran towards him, Grandpa Alan had scooped her up and was holding her tight.
“Would you take that damn thing off? Alania’s been into everything lately.”
Uncle Donnie was having a stupid head moment, cause he was looking at Grandpa Alan. Uncle Charlie walked by Uncle Donnie and patted the big, black thing on his side.
“I think Papa Bear is talking about this, Don.”
Uncle Donnie looked down at what Uncle Charlie patted and then looked up at Grandpa Alan and Alania. His whole face got shiny when he realized something. He pulled the black thing off his side and turn to put it in the big box on the shelf by the right door. Once he turned back around Grandpa Alan let Alania run to him.
“Hey! How’s my Allie-girl?”
Uncle Donnie picked Alania up and carried her into the living room were the new choo-choo’s were. Even as Alania and Uncle Donnie started playing, Alania wondered why the big black thing had to go bye-bye.