My letter to "SyFy"

Aug 09, 2011 23:51

Here is the letter I sent to "SyFy" via

Dear "SyFy",

I'm sorry to have to do this in a letter, but we hardly ever see each other anymore and that's probably for the best. I'm breaking up with you. Our long relationship hasn't been without its positives but I feel that recently we have become trapped in a vicious cycle. I wasn't happy with the way you handled the cancellation of "Stargate:SG1", but the show had been on the air for 10 seasons, a very long life by tv standards so I stayed. I rolled my eyes when you added wrestling to your lineup, but was willing to give up one night a week of reruns if it allowed for the production of quality science fiction related programming on the other nights so I stayed. I ignored the proliferation of "scifi related" "reality" shows. I mocked but accepted the name change. I stayed for "Eureka" and "Sanctuary" after the mess made of and about the ending of "Battlestar Galactica".

No more! I am tired of being dismissed, condescended to and ignored for the quick buck of fake reality. I know I'm just a single viewer and my habits aren't enough to cause even the slightest blip on your rating radar, but I can no longer ignore the slip-shod way in which your network is handled. I will watch "Eureka" and "Sanctuary" until the end, but I will no longer be tuning in for a single other show on your schedule. In fact, I have already deleted "Warehouse 13" and "Alphas" from my DVR schedule.

Let me make this clear, I am an educated viewer. I understand that certain shows are more expensive to produce than others and that television is, in the end, a business. What I cannot conscience, from any business, is double talk, broken contracts (even verbal ones), and intentional runarounds. As a consumer I find year long gaps between seasons, reduced/cancelled season orders for high quality, viewer favorite, award winning shows, and repeated public leaks of information before employees have been informed to be serious examples of mismanagement which lead me to question the stability of your network and its parent corporation. I'm sure you've heard this before but the fact that the Fall 2011 schedule for the major networks has more scifi/paranormal/fantasy programming than the "Imagine Greater" network's schedule does makes me conclude that I have made the right decision at the right time. You are no longer my only option for quality science fiction programming and I intend to take advantage of that.

I remain a dedicated fan, viewer and consumer of scifi but no longer of "SyFy". Have a nice life.

(real name redacted)

eureka, cancellation protests, scifi

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