[Thread] 20th century humans called it survival of the fittest.

Dec 01, 2009 02:32

Who: Open
When: 10:30 AM on Dec 1st.
Where: The city.
Summery: Reports are coming in regarding a break out of spontaneous suicides all over town ( Read more... )

trowa barton, hilde schbeiker, jeremie belpois, the joker, brainiac 5, supergirl, brainiac 4, vekk

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Comments 109

foxdieinmyveins December 2 2009, 01:01:58 UTC
He was slowly getting used to this place... sort of. The map was the mist bizarre thing he'd ever seen but the information he'd managed to get form the computer terminals helped him piece things together... more or less. He was a prisoner here in a semi-synthetic world. There was no way out... unless that computer had something to say about it. And he had something to say about the computer... but that could wait... for now he was, once again, trying his codec to see if it would work, even in his own world...

"Otacon...Otacon!" he was crouched in a corner on the transmitting device when suddenly this odd feeling came into his mind... this desire. This... need. Shit what was it? He had to... he had to...kill something. Everything. All the stupid little guards in this place. They were dangerous, all of them. He rose from his crouch and started to walk.


nostoplights December 2 2009, 16:00:15 UTC
She had decided to stay with "Solidsnake" for the time being, not knowing where else to go. She definitely didn't want to be left by herself, and there wasn't much of anyone else to stay with. Besides, he was pretty nice to her, and she liked him.

When he knelt down and started talking to the floor, she was pretty confused. She couldn't see anyone there. But, maybe there was someone there she couldn't see, or they were really small. "Ota.... Otacon?" She put a hand down where he seemed to be looking, trying to feel for the small or invisible person.

It took her a bit to notice Snake had started moving, but when she did, she quickly followed after him, wondering where he might be going now.


foxdieinmyveins December 2 2009, 18:08:13 UTC
If Otacon were here, she probably would have felt the body on an invisible person. Otacon wasn't invisible by nature, but he did carry his stealth camouflage now and then...Even though he had said he'd give it up and stop pretending not to exist, Snake knew he might have redonned it if he was also locked up in this place. He worried about the other man... wherever he was. Surely he wondered where Snake had gone to.

Monoko had tagged along, and for the most part he didn't mind that, so long as she remained quiet and out of his way. But then she started talking, started grasping the floor for his attention, started acting like a damn child. His mind was slipping into the message off the radio wave. he started walking along, as if in a trance or zoned out. Monoko would be ignored for the meantime while Snake looked for some idiot guards to off... but if she continued making childlike sounds, his sudden and uncontrollable temper would surely take over.


nostoplights December 2 2009, 19:14:38 UTC
The problem was, she was a child, thirteen-ish in physical age. At the very least, she was a kid mentally. She really didn't know how terrible the world around her could be, or how to protect herself. Her mind could believe in all sorts of magical and fantastical things (if mostly because that sort of stuff could happen in her world.) She couldn't possibly imagine anything worse than Madotsuki changing her into her true form with the stoplight effect. But, she followed after him, not understanding how dangerous this man had become.


kara_of_steel December 2 2009, 08:41:56 UTC
Something was wrong. Something was really wrong. Kara had heard a scream from somewhere, but just as she'd been about to investigate, she'd heard another. And another, like they were spreading. What was going on here?!

She was hovered above the streets of the city, tense with confusion. Everywhere she looked, people seemed to be going crazy. Was this the computer's doing again? One thing after another, right?

She frowned. There wasn't anything she could do to stop crazed random acts of violence. Reasoning didn't seem to be an option. And she couldn't very well hurt them.

She took to flying again, trying to rack her brain of ideas though her thoughts kept turning to Tim, Cissie, and Thirteen. She hoped they were alright...


citizen0soldier December 2 2009, 21:57:08 UTC
Hilde had managed to escape to a high rise rooftop in order to survey everything happening here. There had been chaos and fights breaking out left and right in the streets, everywhere she looked. She couldn't get away, so she went up. Up to a roof where she could see everything and try to locate the heart of the commotion and maybe even its source, if it was something visible.

It was as she surfaced that a large flying... somethingflew overhead. She looked up.

"...Huh??" a girl? In a... cape She looked dumbfounded but managed to comment "...Superwoman?"


brainiac5ive December 3 2009, 02:05:55 UTC
"Supergirl!" Brainiac 5 called from below as he flew up to meet his fellow super hero.

He had a lead to a possible causation to whatever was responsible for this crisis, but as to a solution, he was still calculating. He closed the distance between them and offered a curt nod, almost, and inappropriately smiling briefly, catching himself so quickly she probably wouldn't have even noticed. At best, he could have been compared to the expression of the Mona Lisa.

"You're no doubt aware of the crisis..."


kara_of_steel December 3 2009, 05:20:33 UTC
Kara blinked, her hearing catching a feminine voice closer to her over the rest of the commotion. She looked down to see who had spoken over the screams, noticing a woman standing upon a rooftop. She paused to hover a moment. Did she need help?

It was as she was hovered there that a more familiar tone caught her ears, drawing her attention from the woman. "Brainy!" She exclaimed, obviously happy to see him. Her face lit up, despite the situation below.

She nodded in response to his question, her expression becoming serious once again. "Yeah, what's goin' on here, Brainy? This is way weird." As she finished speaking, her gaze returned to the petite woman on the roof.

"She doesn't seem to be affected..."


So very late, but here he is. lyoko_coder December 7 2009, 00:56:51 UTC
Jeremie frowned deeply as he read the latest report on his laptop. Did anyone he know end up in the middle of all this? Did anyone he know die?

He ground his teeth together before closing the message window. He didn't want to go out there, to be honest. Still, he'd received a general communication from Brainiac 5, and he'd agreed to assist when needed.

He packed up his laptop into his bag and slung the strap over his shoulder out of habit. XANA growled at him for going out into the line of fire, gaining enough control to twitch the leg scarred by the bullet wound from Train. He took a moment to grit his teeth until they hurt, pushing XANA back. If the situation looked bad enough, he'd risk giving it some control, but right now he didn't need to listen to its arguments. XANA was obsessed with its own self-preservation first and foremost.


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 02:46:17 UTC
Trowa was completely unaffected by this new 'virus'. But he was heading outside anyway, because, stupid as it sounded. He needed to see if the others were alright. The news was getting pretty serious. And there was a certain one he needed to check on.

Vekk lived a fair distance from him and he needed to move quickly through the throngs of violent citizens if he was going to get to the Asura before they did. Hopefully the aeromancer was wise and not stubborn, and chose to stay within his apartments and not come outside to 'enlighten' the rioting humans?


asura_hero December 10 2009, 02:52:58 UTC
With the Asura being so short, it would've been next to impossible to locate him in the throng of crazed citizens. At least, it would've been if not for the sudden gust of wind that knocked over attackers in a neat circular pattern, revealing Vekk in the center of the madness.

He coolly turned towards the next approaching target, casting Blinding Flash almost carelessly. He followed it up smoothly with Gale, sending the crazed Human flying backwards into another attacker.

A flash of purple to his right caught his attention, seeing a young man strike an attacker. Intriguing. He'd never seen lightning that particular color before. Still, he cast Gale again to make sure the youth's attacker fell.

"You need more training, bookah!"


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 02:54:34 UTC
Jeremie glanced over to see a short creature attacking with both wind and electrical attacks. Clearly, this must've been the thing that had called to him.

He opened his mouth to respond, when another man rushed him. On instinct, he fell to one knee, the rampaging man tripping over him and falling on his face.


entro_pist December 13 2009, 22:16:16 UTC
Cracked. Unbalanced. Non compos mentis. This was what had become of the world in such a short period of time after lock down had ended. Completely, exquisitely undone. A raging sickness had come over the people invoking random acts of senseless brutality and suicides. The streets of this mock Manhattan were spilling over with rampant havoc. People were throwing themselves beneath buses and beating each other lifeless with abandon. Unstoppable. It was like Hell's asylum had exploded and its loose inhabitants were running amok, infesting the city, spreading their disease ( ... )


brainiac4 December 25 2009, 05:40:07 UTC
"You are enjoying this." A voice stated from behind, cracking with a slight robotic tinge, then transitioning into a more, organic tone. A woman stood behind him, glad in a dark cape with three green glowing orbs on her shoulders and chest. The cape covered her shoulders and swept down around her shoulders like a cloak. She had green skin, blond hair, and dark purple eyes with dark accents covering her face.

"Yet you are undamaged by the wave, no doubt one of these... 'Phased persons.'" She mused with a smirk. This man was within acceptable range from her target population, though with a few psychological flaws of course. With a minor change in a frequency, she could easily end his life at a whim.

This one however, she knew about. She had done some research in various cities around the ring ever since she and the Dark Circle arrived. The only next step, of course, is developing a new administration, and for that, she needed a figurehead. This one? Useful, but perhaps not suited for the task.


entro_pist December 27 2009, 00:21:27 UTC
Though the woman's sudden presence was a little jarring, the Joker didn't visibly startle or swerve off course. He merely turned his attention to where she stood in the spacious vicinity of the truck cabin, looked her briefly up and down, then said with a nod, "In times like these, you gotta keep a smile on your face."

His eyes returned to the road and he seemed unconcerned with having this unexplained passenger on board. Her presence was strongly felt but she did not strike fear in him, perhaps because he was not unused to beings like her that were capable of great speed and power. And if she were anything like the ones he new, he suspected she could indeed kill him with zero effort.

"Besides, I'm starting to think I'm not the only one who's enjoying this." He shot her a glance, eyebrows raised to scrunch his forehead. There was something about her face that was very familiar, particularly the dot formation.


brainiac4 January 2 2010, 01:16:32 UTC
"You always appear to have a smile on your face, I doubt it would make a difference what was occurring." she deadpanned, but not without some humor, thought it was very subtle. Her glossy purple eyes leveled on him, her brow raised ever so slightly. She moved over and sat herself into the seat next to him.

"Your presumptions are incorrect. I feel nothing for what I've done, only that it serves a greater purpose. My methods may seem sadistic but they are necessary to prime the survivors emotionally for what must occur." Turning her head to the side, inquisitively.

"What do you intend on doing?"


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