[Thread] 20th century humans called it survival of the fittest.

Dec 01, 2009 02:32

Who: Open
When: 10:30 AM on Dec 1st.
Where: The city.
Summery: Reports are coming in regarding a break out of spontaneous suicides all over town ( Read more... )

trowa barton, hilde schbeiker, jeremie belpois, the joker, brainiac 5, supergirl, brainiac 4, vekk

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So very late, but here he is. lyoko_coder December 7 2009, 00:56:51 UTC
Jeremie frowned deeply as he read the latest report on his laptop. Did anyone he know end up in the middle of all this? Did anyone he know die?

He ground his teeth together before closing the message window. He didn't want to go out there, to be honest. Still, he'd received a general communication from Brainiac 5, and he'd agreed to assist when needed.

He packed up his laptop into his bag and slung the strap over his shoulder out of habit. XANA growled at him for going out into the line of fire, gaining enough control to twitch the leg scarred by the bullet wound from Train. He took a moment to grit his teeth until they hurt, pushing XANA back. If the situation looked bad enough, he'd risk giving it some control, but right now he didn't need to listen to its arguments. XANA was obsessed with its own self-preservation first and foremost.


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 02:46:17 UTC
Trowa was completely unaffected by this new 'virus'. But he was heading outside anyway, because, stupid as it sounded. He needed to see if the others were alright. The news was getting pretty serious. And there was a certain one he needed to check on.

Vekk lived a fair distance from him and he needed to move quickly through the throngs of violent citizens if he was going to get to the Asura before they did. Hopefully the aeromancer was wise and not stubborn, and chose to stay within his apartments and not come outside to 'enlighten' the rioting humans?


asura_hero December 10 2009, 02:52:58 UTC
With the Asura being so short, it would've been next to impossible to locate him in the throng of crazed citizens. At least, it would've been if not for the sudden gust of wind that knocked over attackers in a neat circular pattern, revealing Vekk in the center of the madness.

He coolly turned towards the next approaching target, casting Blinding Flash almost carelessly. He followed it up smoothly with Gale, sending the crazed Human flying backwards into another attacker.

A flash of purple to his right caught his attention, seeing a young man strike an attacker. Intriguing. He'd never seen lightning that particular color before. Still, he cast Gale again to make sure the youth's attacker fell.

"You need more training, bookah!"


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 02:54:34 UTC
Jeremie glanced over to see a short creature attacking with both wind and electrical attacks. Clearly, this must've been the thing that had called to him.

He opened his mouth to respond, when another man rushed him. On instinct, he fell to one knee, the rampaging man tripping over him and falling on his face.


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 03:04:08 UTC
Trowa was halfway to Vekk's when he saw this whole ordeal in the streets. He growled, knowing he ought ot have known better when it came to Vekk.

"Vekk..." he half growled half purred the name as he ran forward, passing up a burst of purple out of his peripheral. He turned to look at it as he was running to the Asura. "What the--" the boy looked possessed or something, was he the cause?


asura_hero December 10 2009, 03:19:04 UTC
Vekk struck using a somewhat lightened version of Arc Lightning, knocking two more attackers to the ground. It wouldn't kill them outright. Some of the crazies seemed determined to eliminate their own once one of their number fell to the ground. They did most of the work for him.

He glanced at the approaching Trowa, seeing him looking over at the young blond. He nodded in the boy's direction. "Not a form of aeromancy I've ever seen." Pause to send another man flying backwards. "Very colorful. Almost pretty."


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 03:20:39 UTC
One of Jeremie's eyes flashed the XANA symbol. As much as he distrusted the AI, it was better to give it some control when fighting like this. Its aim was better. Not to mention that it had better control over everything.

He tried making his way closer to the little creature and...wasn't that the flautist from a while ago?


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 03:37:45 UTC
Trowa recognized that face... "I know him." he moved closer to Vekk. He looked to Asura over, not entirely sure what he was looking for, injuries but he was unfamiliar with the Asura anatomy. He couldn't locate any topical wounds other than an obvious burn.

"Are you hurt? Other than that..." he gestured to the injured limb. He looked to the blond boy, noting he was totally different from before. Something new had come over him, he hardly looked himself.

"Hey you, can you hear me!" he called to him.


asura_hero December 10 2009, 03:43:30 UTC
Vekk quirked a smirk in Trowa's direction. "They haven't laid a hand on me. What about you?"

He turned to watch Trowa's rear. The crazed Humans were backing off for a moment. However, they circled about like ravenous, rabid wolves.


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 03:45:52 UTC
"Yeah, I can hear you!"

As the insane people backed off for the moment, Jeremie wrestled full control back from XANA which crouched in the back of his mind and hissed wordlessly at him. He clutched at his messenger bag and ran over to the pair, yelping as he just missed being grabbed by one maniac.


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 03:53:29 UTC
Trowa jumped forward, accosting this 'maniac' before he could inflict lasting damage on his own audience member from the music room before. "Come on, we need to move!" he led the blonde with him back to Vekk and onward,out of the overly crowded area. Insane and deranged people were piling in seemingly in waves. They were idiots to stay here any longer.


asura_hero December 10 2009, 04:14:16 UTC
Vekk sent out another Whirlwind, carefully controlling the outward winds to allow Trowa and the stranger to approach him. He then took off at a run, using Windborne Speed to keep up with Trowa's long strides.


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 04:16:03 UTC
Jeremie was no athlete by any stretch of the imagination. However, desperation was a good motivator. Even though his legs burned as he fought to keep up with the brunet, he kept going.

He wanted to ask where they were going, but couldn't. He needed the oxygen for running.


03_pokerface December 10 2009, 04:32:08 UTC
Trowaknew they needed to be gone and now. He didn't think to pace himself for the shorter people with him. He only led the way through alleyways into a clearing near central park. And there, there was both a shrouding fog... and more madmen to ambush them. "Vekk." he said as a request and a commend for air-based assistance. He grabbed the nearest weapon discarded by a killed individual, a few throwing knives and a small pistol. He approached the crowd, apparently meaning to fight his way through to the safety of the trees beyond.


asura_hero December 10 2009, 04:48:38 UTC
Vekk stepped forward, swiftly assessing the situation. Too many for Gust. Well, he could thin them out with Chain Lightning strikes.

"Pay attention, bookah," he told the boy as he attuned his body to the power of Air. His tone was as calm as if he were about to begin a lecture.

The first bolt of lightning he sent out branched out to strike three men. He didn't give the group time to react as he launched another Chain Lightning attack.


lyoko_coder December 10 2009, 04:51:07 UTC
Jeremie was stunned by the level of precision the small creature used. And he'd thought XANA had incredible control over electricity!

His left eye changed to the Eye of XANA as more of the men approached. A whirlwind spun up from nowhere, spreading outward to strike those who'd gotten too bold and knocking them over. Jeremie and XANA worked in tandem, attacking one maniac at a time.


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