[Thread] Midnight Boogie

May 24, 2009 13:52

Characters: Buffy Summers, Duo Maxwell, Open
Where: Sunnydale
When: After Duo and Buffy leave the bar
Summary: Duo showed Buffy how to transport off base. They go on a field trip to Sunnydale?
Warnings: Most likely, vampires.

Location Verified. Sunnydale California.

Contributors: Buffy Summers. Willow Rosenberg. Daniel Osborn. Angel.*

Location recalibration completed at 0800 hours on date 01003491. Climate is temperate to warm. Surrounding geography is varied: Desert in the northeast, forest and ocean to the west. -

Duo pressed a few buttons on the device that appeared with them which was clearly a communication device, linked directly to the grid. Probably their ride home, a beam me up sort of thing. He sighed after a minute, as the device continued to spill information out about this small town. He didn't need to know about the geography, did he?

He glanced ahead at Buffy and put the device in his front pocket, along with some of the money that the computer had offered him before they departed. It was a generous sum too. He jogged forward to meet her and followed her line of sight to where she was looking. "This is Sunnydale, according to the computer. Seem right?"

There were people lining the streets, minding their own business, barly reacting as the sun shield crept across the sky line. It would be night soon.

duo maxwell, buffy summers

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