(no subject)

Dec 01, 2004 22:52

Being trapped at a computer is great encouragement to update the ol' journal. It gives me something to do besides what I should be doing. Since I have to be online anyway, I'm downloading various Foamy the Squirrel cartoons in the background. On our glacially slow connection, it takes at least fifteen minutes for two minutes of video. I think 5 More Minutes is still my favorite, although Spell-a-Casters is a close second. Free Your Mind wasn't bad either. Gotta love a Matrix spoof. :-)

So, I've decided I'm too much of a control freak to trust a live demonstration in EBSCO to create the same results there as it does here, not to mention too sensible to trust an Internet program to be accessible when I need it. I've opted for the static world of screen-shot laden PowerPoint to do the work for me. I'm showing them how to create a profile in EBSCO which allows them to create journal and search alerts, which I'm also giving them a rudimentary introduction to. I may discover, after creating the PowerPoint tomorrow, that that's too much to cover in 20 minutes, but I can always cut the part about journal alerts. They're not quite as useful as one would originally think considering most journals have a six month to one year embargo on the the full-text. :-) The only time they'll actually have to engage their minds is when I ask them how alerts could be useful to them and their students and when I tell them to take the time to create their profiles and a search alert while I walk around to help. With the PowerPoint accessible from my IU FileManager, a printed cheat sheet, and the help screens from EBSCO, not to mention just having seen an example, it should be a no-brainer. :-)

Oh, man! I can't believe it! No CSI:NY because some stupid basketball game is on. Boo! Hiss! I was so counting on a little death and gore to cheer me up! ;-)
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