(no subject)

Oct 17, 2004 01:27

There used to be a pine tree in our front yard. It blocked the view of the street, so it was taken out a couple of months ago. It left a blank space in the landscaping, so Mom went to the nursery yesterday looking for a tree to plant in its place. She was thinking of one of those glorious, flame-red sugar maples that dot our neighborhood. When she told the salesperson why she wanted this specific tree, he asked, with a straight face, "You do know the tree is green the rest of the year, right?"

Dad went to the Ohio Regional Association of Law Libraries meeting last week in Kentucky. While at a Frisch's down there, a woman busing their table commented that Bush was going to, "...get rid of Social Security." And, "If he does, he's gonna catch a bullet." Spooky.

I've been reading a lot of horror/mysteries recently. I think I have a handle on how to do the horror part, but planning out a mystery eludes me. I know, basically, you have to start with the crime and motive and work backward, dropping hints for your investigator and the reader to follow to the end like breadcrumbs. Thing is, aside from what I've picked up on Law and Order and CSI, I don't know enough about forensics, abnormal psychology, or investigative techniques to make that work. So, I thought I'd check the library to see if they had any books on mystery authorship. There were a couple of stand-alone volumes, but what really stuck out was a twelve part series. The Howdunit books have such interesting topics as homicide, body trauma, criminal psychology, police procedure, and an entire book about poisons! Hopefully, this information will jump start me into writing again. But, if not, I'll have fascinating dinner conversation topics and a leg up when I watch Law and Order and CSI!
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