but then not all of her has to be.

Apr 25, 2012 14:31

It's one of those "just keep swimming" sort of days.
Not a bad day, really, just... long. Lot of work. And I'm exhausted.
I bought Bioshock this weekend, and I started that. That game as scary as fuck but ooooh so pretty. And the music! Horray! So that is my plan for tonight, until 9, then I'm coming back to school to watch One for the Money which is playing on campus. I'm not the biggest Katherine Heigl fan (or the biggest Janet Evanovich fan, for that matter) but it looks cute enough. And hey! Free movie!

My Merlin/Stardust crossover fic is failing royally. It should be really fun! I love the story! But I just can't seem to grasp onto the characters. Ugh. Quick! Someone give me a Merlin prompt to work with. I want to write Merthur, but I don't know what. *brainfail*
In fact all of my writing has sucked lately. Boooo.

On the plus side, I bought awesome red nail polish, and feel a bit like a femme fatal right now. Score!

video games, tired as fuck, merlin

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