Remember how my grandfather was dying? Yep, he's still dying. They say he's "comfortable" (which is hospice speak for 'really hopped up on medication and no longer eating or drinking'), and he could go at any time. He fell and hit his head yesterday, and everyone thought that would be the end, but nope, he's still kicking!
I got massively sick this week, hence the neglecting of the journal. I got pneumonia, which started out as a fever (at work! that's not fun, let me tell you!) and evolved into me laying half-dead on my sister's couch for 4 days watching British television and coughing my lungs out. But on the plus side I caught up on Primeval!
In other health news, I got into the endocrinologist early! They diagnosed me with Hashimoto's disease, which is basically a non-functioning thyroid. My body is attacking itself! Ahhhhhh! (Personally, I think Hashimoto's disease sounds really cool. My dad says the cure is to drink a lot of sake and eat a lot of sushi.)
I had a major breakdown and wanted to drop my Social Justice in Children's and Young Adult Literature class, but went to my professor, crying and hacking up phlegm, and she convinced me to stay. So yeah. Big presentation tomorrow on John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Wish me luck! I hate presentations. But this one involves building a fence out of Legos! Woo hoo!
The July Schedule:
-CONVERGENCE!! Yeah baby! Not sure of my Belle dress will be done in time, but either way it's gonna KICK ASS.
-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. I will most definitely cry. And laugh. And scream. And see it 12 times in theaters. I can't decide what I want to do for costumes. I'm thinking of ordering pink sunglasses and a headband off the Starkid website, wearing my t-shirt and buttons, and just going as a Starkid enthusiast. I've done HP related stuff for all the other movie premieres. Plus I'm too big to fit into anything awesome. *sadface*
-Lots of awesome apartment parties! Since Diane will be moving into Wonderland any day now, we've decided to host lots of cool parties. Like Underwear parties. And martini-and-fancy-dress nights. And writing salons. It's gonna rock.
Yeah, that's about all I got, kids. I love you! Thanks for sticking with me through this crazy week, those of you RLers, and those of you strictly f-listers, you are awesome too, just for being you. *huggles*
I leave you with this pic to make you smile.
Ariel out.