(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 00:09

Title: When everything didn’t come down (part 1/3)
Author: Las
Pairings: Jonny/Mat, Jonny/Dan
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not real, no money made.
Summary: There was one memory that Jonny could never quite let go. It was the night everything didn’t come down.

Author’s notes: Several plot bunnies combined, heavily influenced by RP, though more through characterisation and pairings than actual happenings. For the first time ever (?) I wrote second person in fic, inspired by some writers in this fandom.

Now I’m still in heavy struggle with part 2, but part 3 is finished. I will try to get my head around part 2 asap, and only then post it on the KH community - in the mean time all comments, criticism and encouragement from the flist are of course… welcome. ;P


Of all your nights spent in with your band members, most of them had faded away into the blur of routine - the happiness along with the misery, the excitement along with the disappointment, most of it unremarkable amidst the drunk impressions that dominated your life.

But there were several nights that had stood out, for one reason or the other. One particular one was a very special night. A very special memory. There were several reasons the memory of this night was unusual for you - first of all, it was special because of the things that didn’t happen, rather than did, which on itself was remarkable. Secondly, the memory had undergone different stages of importance to you. It’d started out as a frustrating memory, only to be discarded not two weeks later as something of no significance, and it had stayed that way for a long time. Until one day, when you started getting a clearer picture, you realised that next to the night Mat recruited you for the band, this night might very well have been one of the most meaningful nights of the 25 years of your life so far.

It was the night everything didn’t come down.

You’d barely turned 18 and were enjoying the afterparty of a small Kill Hannah gig of which you didn’t remember any details. Mat and Greg had been providing you with drinks all night long. They did so with the same speed as they were drinking themselves, rendering your skinny person helpless in the face of too much alcohol buzzing through your system. You didn’t want to disappoint them though, and they were with you the whole time and included you in everything. You wouldn’t have missed out on that for the world. You don’t remember much of what Dan was doing most of the night. Your relationship with Dan was confusing, at best - since the very beginning Dan had disagreed with Mat’s decision to take you on as second guitarist, young as you were. A careful balance had developed between the two of you in the end, the start of something of an understanding, some feeling of affection at times along with your still regular moments of mutual ignoring, but you weren’t unhappy to keep your distance from him.

You felt a little confused when Mat asked you to go outside with him. Mat looked as if he was up to something, his smile told you as much. Greg had laughed and backed off, sauntering over to the bar, and you wondered what joke you were left out on.

“C’mon,” Mat smiled at you as he took your arm, guiding your drunk and unstable self into a side street, a dark alley that smelt of piss.

“Mattie… what are we doing here?” You sent him a confused glance, then grinned back at him as he grinned at you. It didn’t really matter much what you were doing there, anyway. You’d have done pretty much anything for him. You’d never awarely thought of him in a sexual way before he actually leaned in and kissed you, but the idea didn’t shock you either. There was just a bit of surprise, followed by a quick and drunk sort of acceptation.

He didn’t keep this kiss up for very long either way.

“Jonny, I really need to get off. You will suck my cock for me, right?” Mat whispered his plea in your ear. You felt how hard he was where he pressed into your thigh. A hand more or less gently pushed you down and you complied, sinking on your knees in that dirty alley in front of Mat, who was busy undoing his fly. You’d do anything for Mat. You’d never done this before but you knew that Mat would guide you through it, like he guided you through all the challenges that he had sent your way since you joined the band.

You resolutely pushed all thoughts away when you were suddenly at eye level with Mat’s cock, standing up straight from his pants. Your still newly pierced tongue touched the tip of him. You hesitated despite yourself. Mat unceremoniously settled a hand around the back of your head and pushed himself between your lips, filling your mouth with a soft moan that made you realise just how hard you’d grown yourself.

Then it all happened in a flash, and you heard a cry but you weren’t sure whether it was from your own mouth, Mat’s, or maybe even Dan’s, as Dan’s hands yanked you away. You hadn’t even heard him coming.

“Have you gone mental?!” Dan’s accusation rang through the empty street.

You didn’t know whether he was talking to Mat or yourself, and you instinctively shrank back against the wall, right next to Mat, not knowing whether to be afraid of the bigger man. But Mat would protect you.

“Goddammit Dan, stay the fuck out of this,” Mat spat back.

Dan’s voice was shaking with held-back anger. “It’s not your right to use him.” You shrank back further, confused, but this was when you suddenly felt Dan’s hand on your shoulder. It provided a gentle pressure that confused you even more.

“If he and I both want it, then I have every right. We’re not all as sad as you, holy virgin Dan.”

You glanced up along the arm, travelling up from the hand on your shoulder, and you would always remember the look on Dan’s face, fury twitching just under the surface. “Do you want a hole for your dick or a guitarist for your band? You know the two don’t combine, you damn whore.”

You gasped in surprise when Mat’s hand fisted in Dan’s shirt, lips moving close to Dan’s ear to say something inaudible for your own ears. The hand left your shoulder - and that’s when Dan hit him. You whimpered after the connection of Dan’s fist with Mat’s face echoed through the dark street, your heart pounding wildly in your chest. Mat touched his face almost in disbelief, and then lunged back.

“Stop!” you’d called out, before giving it any thought. You pushed yourself up from the wall, and threw yourself between them. Mat didn’t even see you. You whirled around as you ducked away from a punch, too afraid to physically block either one of them when it came down to it. “Dan! Stop,” you pleaded, some instinctive feeling telling you he’d be more likely to listen to you, though it had no time to make sense.

Dan met your eyes for a moment and growled, then backed off a few steps, drawing you behind him as his hand closed around your wrist tightly. From the corner of your eye you saw Mat shake his head darkly and leave the street with hurried steps.

You felt distinctly light-headed but at the same time a lot more sober when the street was suddenly dark and empty again, leaving you with a quietly seething Dan, who had turned to you.

“Fuck. You. Jonny. That was the most stupid you ever did,” he hissed at you angrily, still holding on to your wrist as he started walking in the direction of what was definitely not the bar.

You were amazed to suddenly find his anger focused on you as well, and found yourself growing angry in return, though you couldn’t help but stumble along to keep up with his big strides. “Mat’s right! I wanted that,” you protested angrily. “Where are we going?”

“Home, Jonny. I’m taking you home.”

“No! I’m staying at Greg’s!” You tried to stop, your struggle making Dan release your wrist and turn back around.

“I just saved your sorry ass, Jon,” he bit at you coldly. “Now get in the fucking car.”

Even though you wanted to, opposing Dan when he was towering over you and giving you that look wasn’t something you considered doing, no matter how drunk you were. You glowered at him and let yourself fall down into the passenger’s seat when he opened the door for you. Dan walked around the car and sat down behind the wheel.

“You’re just jealous,” you uttered quietly.

Dan slammed the car door closed and fastened his seat belt. “Really, Jonny? I don’t see any reason to be. Maybe you’ll grow up and see it one day, if you’re gonna be around the band that long.” All of Dan’s motions were angry - starting the car, turning on the lights, the foot on the gas and the hands on his steering wheel.

You remained silent then, and let Dan drop you off at your mother’s place, where you snuck into the house as quietly as possible so that she wouldn’t hear you come home. You didn’t remember ever being so confused before, and you didn’t fall asleep till the first sunlight touched your curtains.

when everything didn't come down, fiction, kill hannah rps

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