(no subject)

Dec 04, 2008 22:19

Title: Too far in
Author: Las
Pairing: Elias/Jonny, Jonny/Greg
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not real, make no money.
Summary: People wondered what Elias was doing with the collection of four odd men that formed Kill Hannah. He seemed too normal, too sane to fit in with the bunch of them. Elias himself liked to think of it that way too. He observed, got minimally involved with any of their personal business, but ever since he had consented to give his services as tour drummer for their cause again and again, he, too, wondered on an almost daily basis why he was touring with these people.

Author’s notes: This is an odd fic. It doesn’t end with the weird pairings and really, I’m aware of it. Though apparently not everyone thinks it’s so odd. Anyway. Even if the whole just confuses you, comments are always appreciated. :)

Also. I love this one personally, even if I think it could’ve worked out better than it did…

Oh and just to make things a little easier - the ‘narrator’, written in italics, would be Elias himself.


People wondered what Elias was doing with the collection of four odd men that formed Kill Hannah. He seemed too normal, too sane to fit in with the bunch of them. Elias himself liked to think of it that way too. He observed, got minimally involved with any of their personal business, but ever since he had consented to give his services as tour drummer for their cause again and again, he, too, wondered on an almost daily basis why he was touring with these people.


Elias’ thoughts were only half focused on the present when he carried his snare drum and the last of his toms to the collected parts of his drumkit, stacked together on the stage. It was a normal day in the lives of the men of Kill Hannah on tour - travelling and hangovers, work and alcohol, music and groupies. They’d arrived at the venue about an hour ago, and this was Elias’ way of getting things done and getting a moment to himself at the same time. The drummer checked if everything was present, then started screwing the frame of his drumkit together, repeating the same every day motions. His thoughts, however, had started arranging themselves in a way familiar to a situation of not enough sleep in days, and too much going on.

Mat is the only one of them who truly is out of the ordinary. Jon, Mat, Greg - they’d have been normal men, had their lives resembled anything normal. Had they not been surrounded by each other. Had the sane people they were close with not been backing off slowly as the years passed.

The special theme of this particular week had been heartbreak. Jonny’s girlfriend had finally called it quits. It should have provided a different outlook on their every day life, with a constantly drunk, constantly miserable and constantly whining Jonny on their hands - but truth was, it didn’t feel all that different from usual. Perhaps just a shade more dramatic.

“Uhm, Elias?”

“Yeah?” Elias looked up to find Dan standing at the side of the stage.

“This is a long shot, but have you seen Jonny in, say... the past hour?”

Jonny is a good example, though I could have picked any of them. The man behaves like a teenager. They all treat him like one, too. Make your own guess about which is the cause, and which is the result. To me, the fact that he failed to grow up since he joined this band at the age of 17, is enough indication that his behaviour is sustained by how he is treated. And then... vice versa.

Elias shook his head. “No.” He tightened the last screw, then looked back up, meeting Dan’s eyes for a few seconds before adding, “Have you asked Greg?”

He didn’t miss the subtle change of expression on Dan’s face. Nearly unreadable worry of one kind changing into nearly unreadable worry of a different kind. “No.”

They all deal with Jonny in their own typical ways. Mat is all sympathy and comforting words, until he grows bored and wanders off to find someone or something more interesting to occupy his mind with. Dan hangs around Jonny awkwardly, not having anything to say but seemingly and willingly sharing Jon’s pain, until he gets frustrated with the world - or himself - and suddenly stalks off in a bolt of indirected fury. Greg pretends everything is fine and makes sure all shit gets done with Jonny whining more than moving his skinny ass. And then there’s that.

“I’ve not seen Greg in a while either,” Dan muttered softly.

Elias tried to be as subtle as he could. Only Mat actually opened his mouth about it. To Elias it seemed dangerous territory - and he knew Dan agreed. “Oh. I think we don’t really have to worry.”

“No, I guess not,” the dark-mooded guitarist spoke, his lips forming a tight line as soon as he closed his mouth again.

The men of Kill Hannah fucking each other, for real, instead of just pretending to, seems the beginning of the end to me. Dan and Mat were as surprised as I was to suddenly see Jonny and Greg growing remarkably close, not two days after the end of Jonny’s relationship and the beginning of added misery for the boy. These men aren’t surprised of much anymore. I’m growing resistant as well. But seeing Greg’s hands almost constantly on Jonny’s body made us all gape.

Dan turned on his heel, leaving Elias behind. God, he was tired. He sighed and went back to work, trying very hard not to let his thoughts get distracted.

I swore to myself I wasn’t going to be around long enough to watch it all come down.


As if acting on Elias’ feeling of dread, their show was a mess that night. From what he gathered, Dan had blown up at Mat after sound check, and Mat had blown up at Greg - whether or not Greg had blown up at someone too he wasn’t sure. Jonny hadn’t exactly been trying to encourage anyone to make amends, but he’d remained quiet, which seemed to be a big enough effort.

Elias was just glad to be out of range of the infamous Kill Hannah Mood Swings. These days they rippled through the band, after the first wave had hit. Elias refused to take part in it.

After the show, Greg disappeared to the merch as quickly as possible, Jonny fled to his bottle of tasteless vodka, Dan occupied the shower for a far too long time, and Mat sat backstage for a while, joining Elias.

“That show did a good job at sucking, and I don't mean my cock. Unfortunately. But I guess the good thing is, the best of the night is ahead of us,” Mat chuckled dryly.

At least someone is trying to keep the spirits up. Mat. Brilliant, driven, charming. Never treated me with anything but respect. I’m not in too deep, yet.

“Don’t you agree, Elias?”

Elias looked up at Mat’s face, still sweaty, his stripes smudged almost beyond recognition of them ever being stripes, his dark eyes holding a hint of amusement.

“Oh... well...”

Mat laughed and settled back against the couch, stretching his free arm behind his head as he sipped his beer. “Just say yes, I’m talking about the best part of my night. I need a good lot of booze to make up for the start of it, and something pretty for later on. Maybe two pretties.” Mat grinned. “It’s about time fortune started smiling down on me. Hey, I’m gonna wash my face.” Mat rose, not waiting for Elias to form a reply, and banged on the bathroom door. “Dan, private play time is over.”

I knew there had to be other sides to Mat when I met him and agreed to play for his band. I just hadn’t expected them to be so... prominent. Turning more prominent each time we leave home.

Dan looked steamy when he exited the bathroom, both literally and in a figure of speech. His towel was hastily wrapped around his waist and his hair was still dripping. The look in his eyes was dark and spoke of irritation with potential of ire later on. Jonny, who had wedged himself in a corner next to a heater, clung to his bottle a little tighter. Elias decided that maybe it was time for him to look for some safe ground.

“I’m gonna go see if Greg needs help at the merch.”

Dan nodded vaguely, and Elias got up, heading for the door.

“Wait, I’m coming with you.”

Elias was surprised to hear Jonny’s voice, and to see the other man pull himself up into a standing position on wobbly legs, that seemed to have grown even thinner over the past week.

Too much alcohol is not Jonny’s only nutritional problem. It takes extensive ignoring of anything that has to do with his eating habits for him to even consider putting anything in his stomach but liquor. If he gets no attention either way, he might as well eat something. I don’t recall him eating anything at all this week - not that I’ve been around him the whole time.

“...can I come with you?”

Elias wasn’t sure why Jonny had turned his statement into a question. He hoped he hadn’t looked too discouraging - it wasn’t that he disliked Jonny, or didn’t sympathise with him. He just didn’t feel like taking the younger man under his wing either. Things could only turn from bad to worse.

“Sure.” He sighed and reached out to put a hand on Jonny’s back as the other walked closer with the slightest waver in his step. “C’mon then.”

Elias was grateful for being mostly left alone when Jonny got hogged by a mob of fans outside, forcing his unhappy and drunk self into something a shade happier.

They’re amazing with the fans. All of them. It’s become part of their personality, part of why they’re not like others. But even being down to earth comes at a price when it becomes just one of the many sides to yourself…

Elias didn’t think Greg looked as if he needed any help with anything.


It was a good hour before bus call, but two men were already inside. Elias, however, was standing near the rear of the bus, smoking, not ready to be locked up with mopey and his grumpy brother just yet, even though he was quite sure Jonny had fallen asleep staring out the window. Elias let his cigarette drop to the ground, squished it with his foot, then lighted another one. He peered down the dark street a moment.

Mat, Greg and Jonny are drunk - Dan isn’t only drunk but also stoned. Very stoned, very often. I don’t blame him, it’s his way of escape, and either way, this band has dealt with worse drug issues. The thing is, his naturally suspicious nature is becoming downright paranoid. His tendency to get annoyed is turning into frightening outbursts of temper. It’s getting worse, and they all know it, but they’re all in the same downward spiral and holding on to each other is only quickening their fall. They fail to be each other’s safe ground anymore and don’t see why. Where’s Greg? Not with Jonny. I wonder if Jonny is miserable over that now, too.

Light footsteps woke Elias from his musings, and he looked up to find a sleepy looking Jonny approaching him.

“Hey,” the guitarist mumbled, taking a cigarette from the pack in his pocket and lighting it as he came to a halt beside Elias.

“Hey,” Elias responded, “I thought you were sleeping.”

Jonny took a long drag of his smoke. “I was,” he agreed. “Just not anymore.”

Elias nodded, stared at the concrete for a few seconds, and then studied the other man’s downcast demeanor from the corner of his eyes. A quiet sort of hurt radiated from him. It had seemed that way for most of the day - instead of begging for attention, Jonny had grown silent and unresponsive. Elias wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“Hey, are you alright?” he asked, his voice a bit softer.

Jonny glanced up, meeting Elias’ eyes. He shrugged a little, then looked away again.

Elias surprised both Jonny and himself by pulling the other’s thin body into a sort of one-armed half-hug.

“‘Alright’ is not really the word I’d use,” Jonny muttered then, wrapping his arm around Elias briefly in return.

“Life will get better again at some point,” Elias offered lamely as he stepped back. He realised fully just how lame it was one second after saying it, but Jonny’s mind seemed so dulled by the constant alcohol and the lameness all around, that he didn’t figure it mattered much.

Jonny stared at him. Elias looked away, and back, and Jonny was still looking at him. Elias tilted his head in question. “Jonny?”

Jonny sighed deeply, exhaling the smoke out of his lungs, and shook his head lightly. “Elias. I feel so far away from reality sometimes.” He was quiet a few seconds, then continued, “I was thinking earlier today, that maybe we’re all drifting away from it. Reality, I mean.” He looked down to the road between his feet.

Elias was dumbstruck.

Jesus, Jonny. I could’ve expected those words of Mat in a moment of deep pessimistic ponderings, of Dan in a moment of clarity, even of Greg in some careless manner as if it all meant nothing on the greater whole - but Jonny! I never looked for a side like this in him. I must admit that he surprised me.

“We’re all fucking strange, aren’t we?” Jonny had stepped in front of him now, close, intently looking at him. “You must know it, if it’s true. You know it.”

Elias didn’t step away. There was something strangely compelling in this conversation, in Jonny’s eyes, in the very fact that the two of them were standing there like that. “I guess I know… yeah,” he admitted.

Jonny nodded. “You know, because you’re not so strange. You’re not like us. You’re like… immune or something, because you’ve not been here from the start and because you’re only half in the band, anyway.”

Elias just nodded.

So someone opens his eyes. But I fear it’s too late, Jonny. I’m not sure if you can still help yourself, or one of your friends.

Jonny’s eyes tightened a little, but it was all the warning Elias got as suddenly, Jonny leaned forward and pressed their lips together.

Elias took a step back in shock, dropping the cigarette that had been forgotten in his hand to the floor, but Jonny walked with him, fingers in Elias’ neck.

… that was not supposed to ever happen.

Elias closed his eyes. Parted his lips. He kissed back. His back was against the bus and Jonny’s body pressed into him, and his own body betrayed him mercilessly.

How did he know… ??

Elias was hard - Jonny wasn’t. Jonny leaned back, lips parted, a fine line of saliva between them, and looked at Elias with clouded eyes. “I just needed to feel something still real. Unaffected.”

Elias just stared back.

Jonny turned around and started making his way down the street on his wobbly legs.

Dan stepped down out of the bus.

Elias straightened himself up, pushing away from the vehicle.

Jonny disappeared around the corner.

“Dan. You might wanna go after Jonny, he suddenly ran off on me.” Elias was proud of how in control he sounded. How sane. How not strange.

He was still hard.

Dan flashed him a worried look and sighed. “Alright. Lemme handle this.” Long strides took him down the same road, leaving Elias to stand on his own.

… busted. Totally busted. I think I need to reset my own standards of ‘not being too far in’.

The saddest thing is. Jonny just defeated his own purpose.

Elias climbed into the bus, crawled into his bunk, and hid under the covers, ignoring the insistent throbbing between his legs.

I’ve got a girlfriend. A sane girlfriend. I’m out of here. Next tour, I’m out of here.

The End.

too far in, fiction, kill hannah rps

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